
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, December 21, 2018

40k - Choosing a Paint Scheme for My Random Assortment of Marines

Last month at Fall-In!, my unanticipated score was twenty tons of Space Marines (or 40K lbs) for twenty bucks.
After Christmas Day, I anticipate some downtown in work/home craziness, and I might finish my current projects that are getting a dollop of paint every other night or so.

I don't anticipate playing in any version of 40K anytime soon.  The block painting I'm currently doing might feel never-ending, but the amount of progress I've done gives me motivation to continue it.  

The figures are a mix and match of different chapter-specific minis.  

I do not wish to use any well-established Space Marine Chapters.  If there is a Codex with their name in the title, I'm trying to avoid it.  

Reject from Jaded Gamer Cast

Reject from Jaded Gamer Cast

If I give any heed to popular chapters, I'll give a shout out to the original Rogue Trader marines, the Crimson Fists:
From The Next Crusade
Internet, help!


  1. That's a nice little haul for $20.

    I have a small detachment of marines as well - and have been trying to figure out what colours to paint them and and chapter name and sigil... So far I've settled on orange - though it's a pain in the ass to paint. Still have no idea for a name... closest I've come is the "Blood Oranges" - so it would be orange with a few red highlights.. maybe red gauntlets or something...? I don't know. Not a real priority at the moment.

    Excited to see what you come up with!

  2. Tangerine Gauntlets! Tangerine Ultramarines? (I know violates canon so badly...)

  3. Oooh! The Tangermarines!! I think we might be on to something here!!

  4. Good to see smarter minds prevailed! Orange you glad I said that ;-p
