
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, December 20, 2018

What Events to Run at Mepacon Spring 2019?

Going solo for Cold Wars, my next GM convention event will be Mepacon will be April 12-14, 2019 at the Hilton in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The theme will be Cybernetic Futures.

I've never been a Cyberpunk/Shadowrun dude.  I've probably read more of GURPS - Cyberpunk than a Street Samurai Catalog, and the idea of multiple Six-Million Dollar Men running around in a Spirit of '77 game defeats the purpose of the word Futures in the theme.

I could just steal a bunch of stuff from Neoscum for a system of my choosing, but I doubt I would get many players.

So that leaves me two choices:

My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria - It wasn't lack of interest that doomed my convention in November, it was an absolute maddening schedule that overwhelmed my soul.  Ponies have been one of my more stable and fun games.  No, I'm not doing Cyber-Ponies (a simple Google search makes steampunk a more appropriate theme), but I'm sure one of the kids will figure out some way to have a bionic hoof. 
Yeah, not doing that...
Savage Rifts:  Rifts and Savage Worlds (pre-SWADE) merge to form something exotic and very workable.  Pinnacle offered some pre-gens during the Kickstarter and I probably would use them to work on a series of East Coast/Appalachian adventures.
The choice isn't even a "one or the other" situation.  Rather, do I run ponies, do I run Savage Rifts, or do I attempt a Savage Rifts Friday night and Saturday morning, with Friday/Saturday afternoon pony slots to keep the regulars appeased?  

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