
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Rainbow Connection, Dimensional Portals and Power Crystals

by Mike Lung, edited and revised by ViscountEric

One of the great tactical evolutions within the Great Gnome War isn't even Gnomish at all, it's Leprechaun.  The Rainbow Connection, the ability of some Irish Kings to "magically" send their troops across a battlefield in the blink of the eye, have devastated some of the enemies they have encountered.

What the common Gnome doesn't understand is that the actual science behind the feat is something that all nations have interest pursuing, it's just that the Irish have perfected it over relatively short distances and using a mobile object as it's "fixed point"

First, let's cover some items that are stowed away in Gnomish Elliptany

Dimensional Gates

If traditional land battles can be fought alongside lightning bolt throwing Wizards and Witches controlling hopping, then exploding, pumpkins, can the idea of dimensional gates to travel fantastic distances (or even time and space) that great of a jump?

What the average gnome balks at is the idea that The Great Gnome Ones, beings from well before the creation myths of gnomekind, created these numerous gates to easily move themselves and their minions from place to place and from time period to time period.  Over the years, as the Great Gnomes Ones were banished, imprisoned or destroyed by the four immortals of Gnomekind, these gates fell into disrepair.  Some of the gates were destroyed. Others just simple became hidden and lost.  Some of the gates were damaged and function only partially or sporadically, while a few of these gates remain fully functional.   A common malfunction is to convey the traveler in only one direction, blocking the way back making gate travel very dangerous indeed. 

The size of the gates varies dramatically ranging from the size of a small animal burrow to an opening that stretches miles wide which is more like a rip in the time/space continuum.  The great rips are a major reason why species that have been extinct on earth for millions of years appear as they were on other planets or “lost worlds” on earth.  Defying time and space, the worlds are blurred together as one might smear two colors of paint together on a canvas.  Near the rip, the sky and other distant landmarks would appear hazy and undefined making it hard to judge distances or details.

Most gates however tend to be roughly the size of a large human door.   The experience of traveling through a gate also varies greatly.  Often the traveler will experience a feeling of dizziness, disorientation, and nausea with a sense of falling uncontrollably.  Other times the passage through a gate is seamless and virtually imperceivable by human senses.  So in one moment a traveler is on earth in the current day, the next he could be standing on Mars in the distant past.

Well know gates:
Modern Location                           Destination
Apache Cave in Arizona               Barsoom/Mars
Egypt/Egyptian Pyramids             Barsoom/Mars
Mesoamerican Pyramids              Barsoom/Mars
Australia                                       Barsoom/Mars
Lost World Plateau in Brazil        Jurassic
Lost World Plateau in Mongolia  Jurassic
Lost World in Congo                   Jurassic
Antarctic/Arctic                            Jurassic
Venus                                          Jurassic
Siberia                                         Ice Age
Cave in Romania                         Vampire World of Brian Lumley
Tibet                                             Yuggoth, Pluto
Mountains of the Moon, Africa      Moon
Power Crystals
The Great Gnome Ones used power crystals to power these dimensional gates.  The crystals are brightly colored that have a property that makes them appear to shine from within giving off a bright light that never seems to fade or flicker.  Known crystal colors are green, blue, red, and yellow although other more rare colors may exist.  To be used as a power source, the crystals are carefully cut into small perfectly shaped jewels.  Devices are powered by the use of multiple colored jewels placed in complex geometric patterns.  When arranged in such a fashion, touching the crystals in certain specific order with activate devices.  Touching them out of order can have serious, undesired consequences.  Some of the intact gates have instructive drawings carved in stone near the devices.
Power crystals are mainly found in a prehistoric world.  They are rare and sometimes found above ground attached to rock outcroppings.  But usually are found underground in caverns and caves.  

For unknown reasons, local lizardman tribes fanatically protect the stones.  In at least one documented case, they were seen to have been worshiping the stones.  Because of this, gathering stones can be a very perilous job. Lizardmen generally are between 6’ to 9’ tall and very strong.  There are some reports of particularly large lizardmen being as tall as 15’ or more.  But those observations are not confirmed and are likely not credible.

Crystals are highly sought after by scientists and various.  The incredible untapped power contained within each crystal is obviously immense, the potential uses for these crystals is  and the value of each crystal or jewel is extraordinary.   Just looking at into a crystal can cause an almost drug like addiction to the stone.  If left alone, a person could spend hours or even days staring into the rocks depths.  There are reports of the stones cause a type of lunacy to the viewer.  Despite these dangers, there are many people who will stop at nothing to obtain these precious items no matter the risk to themselves or the harm done to others.  

Back to the Rainbow Connection.   While it is a feat requiring the Leprechaun Kings to channel energy, most Kings cheat, and will use shards of rare prismatic power crystals, discovered from time immemorial,  within their shillelaghs to augment their power.  It is doubtful that a regular leprechaun could wield such a shillelagh, although this might very well be how the Irish pick a new leader when one of their own falls in battle.  Although yet to be proven, gnomish scientists and meta-psychics experts largely agree that if the Irish ever try to use the Rainbow Connection in an area with a dimensional portals, "something tremendous" would occur. 

Over five years ago,Mike sent me his crazy ideas on portals and power crystals.  Last year, I posted his ideas with some minor alterations and edits.  This year, it's fitting to start adding gnome-related material, especially after watching the carnage the Rainbow Connection made on the table during my game at Fall-In! 

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