
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

(Gnome Wars) The Brotherhood of Urinatius

A few years ago, I posted the write-up for Mike Lung's Cult of Urinatiuss, an evil organization, a "yellow peril" if you would, poised to usurp the Gnomish order with the worship of their own dark god. 

The influence of the cult has been reduced to a trickle, but as an early Christmas present, I provide the research material Mike used, plus UNOFFICIAL write-up of the Brotherhood of Urinitas.  

Even rival cults will admit the Brotherhood is number one!

Statues of Urinatius:

The Rite of Micturition (aka., The Ritual of the Golden Purge)

Unofficial Gnome Wars Card
Brotherhood of Urinatius

Infantry Movement
Maximum movement allowance for all Gnomes is 12 inches per turn.

Target Distance
Roll For Hit
No. 6 Sided Die per shot
1” to 6”
7” to 12”
13” to 24”
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3, 4, 5, 6
1” to 6”
7” to 12”
3, 4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
Light Cover:  -1 on firing roll to hit.  Hard Cover:  -2 on firing roll to hit.
Any Gnome that fires during their movement must pay 6” of movement allowance.  So a figure may fire and then mover 6”, or move 6” and then fire.  The figure may not move 3”, fire, and move 3”.

Die for Melee
Cultist Leader
8 sided
Cultist with Shotgun
6 sided
Cultists with One Handed Sickle
8 sided
Cultists with Two Handed Sickle
10 sided
Thing from the Cellar…Spuddgoth
3d8 sided*
The player who initiates the H-to-H combat determines which figures engage which.
Figures must match 1-1 before matching them 2-1; you cannot have greater than 2-1.
Hand-to-Hand combat will occur when opposing Gnomes move within 2” of each other. All Gnomes within 3” of the melee are ‘sucked in’ and will join the fight.
*May attack up to 3 opponents, or use up to 3 dice per opponent choosing highest score.

Special Rules
Supplication of Urinatius (aka. PeeWeeing)
Individual members of the Brotherhood may attempt an act of supplication to his god once per turn.  To do this, the cultist must not move this turn or take any other action (firing, melee and etc.)  Roll 1d8 per supplicating cultist.  On a 5, 6, 7, or 8, the prayer has been answered and Urinatius has sent a servitor (Spook) to aid cultists for the rest of the game.  If successful, the spook is placed next to the cultist that summoned it.  The next turn it is free to act.  There can be no more than 1 spook per cultists.  Spooks must remain with 12” of the cultists if given no specific mission.  However, if the spook is given a specific mission, that mission must be simple and written down on a piece of paper or told to the game master.  The spook will do everything in its power to accomplish that mission.  Upon completion, the spook is released and may continue its afterlife journey.

Die for Melee
8 sided
Spooks are non-corporeal bodies that haunt the material world.  They generally mean spirited and relish pain and suffering of its victims.  Spooks move up to 18” and may move through objects like walls or trees.  They may only cross moving water at bridges or on boats.  If for some reason, the spook comes in contact with moving water (rivers, lakes, oceans and etc).  The spook is destroyed.

Spooks are almost invulnerable to material missile weapons.  Only a roll of a natural “6” will hit them. 

However, magic has double the effect on them.  I.e., the Wizard would roll 2 dice instead of one when attacking them.   

In melee, Spooks may be harmed as normal.  Some special weapons can be deemed to be especially effective against them, i.e., Cultists with Golden Sickles get a +1 to their melee attack against all undead including Spooks.

The Ritual of the Golden Purge
Cultists who begin their turn next to a Fountain of Urinatius, may participate in the infamous Ritual of the Golden Purge.  Prior to the ritual, the cultist must prepare himself by drinking copious amounts of beer.  The Game Master may deem if this requirement is met.  If it is, the cultist may not move during the turn the ritual is being performed or take any other action (firing, melee and etc…except perhaps filling up on more beer!)  Spooks under the control of the cultist may act as normal.  The Game Master will roll 1d6 per turn per cultist involved in the ritual. Cultist leaders count as 2 dice per turn.  When the cumulative total is equal to or greater than 30, a gate has open up between the material world and the void through which the souls of the dead (znombies) pour through.  When the gate is opened, cultists involved in the ritual may get 1 free move 12” away from the fountain.  The fountain then erupts spilling forth hordes of znombies.

Znombies are not controlled by any player. They are driven only by their desire to eat living gnomes and other creatures in a vain attempt to satisfy their insatiable hunger from being cooped up in the void for so long.  Znombies may only be controlled by players under certain circumstances (vampires, witches, and etc.).  Otherwise, they are controlled by the Game Master and following rules:

Znombies should be grouped in packs of 10 or so figures.  Each pack will move 8” towards the nearest live creature that it can see with in 24”.  If the pack cannot see a target, then it will move 8” in a random direction.   Znombies are a bit hard to kill since they are already dead.  Bullets and other missile fire only kill Znombies on a roll of a natural “6”.  Artillery and Fire attacks are effective as normal.  Magic is twice as effective as normal (see Spooks).  Znombies are immune to cheese attacks accept they will get stuck as normal.   Znombies can cross bodies of water with no penalty.  They are immune to all morale rolls and any other type of psychology.  

Die for Melee
6 sided*

*Znombie mob attack:  for each additional znombie up to 2 attacking a figure, add plus 1 to the znombie melee roll.

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