
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, March 24, 2019

A Great Birthday Gala Present

A week after my fun time away at Cold Wars, and things are back to crazy, hectic, normal.  A week involving business trips, wacky weather, and multiple hockey functions culminated in a combined birthday party for Maja and Millie.

Millie suffers the fate of having a birthday not only ten days after Christmas, but in the midst of the northern US weather.  With our crazy schedule all winter and Maja's birthday aboard a cruise ship in May, it seemed productive to rent out some space at the local party place, order two cakes, and invite 50% more kids than we would at either individual party (so many overlapping friends among them).

Two hours of escape rooms, laser tag, and even a bounce house for fun, our demands for childhood birthday parties are met through the end of the year. 

The kids finally got around to open up the pile of cards with cash and gift cards, we held off the few actual wrapped presents until the end. 

The last item was from a family who have been long-time friends even before kids.  A present which we were warned "This might be as much for Eric as it is the girls."

Stuffed Fables by Plaid Hat Games (the Mice and Mystics guys).

Holy crap, they knocked it out of the park!

Players play stuffed animals trying to protect the child they love for machinations of some evil mastermind. 

The storybook concept allows a spiral-bound book, where one page is the game map, and the page across is the scenario pointers and some flavor text. 

The minis are absolutely divine.
Picture from
The kids are equally excited, and if they can survive basketball, dance, and homework, I will set up some painting set-ups in the dining room. 

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