
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #20 - Greetings from The Weissmach

8th of the Month of OctDec in the Imperial Year of 1021, the Reign of Krugraf Mykul I of Ras-Prythax


Village of Oshpenchin, Gran Duchy of Oppollo, The Weissmach

To His Lordship, the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,

My dear Lord, please forgive me for my many months away from writing you, but the Order of Merit has returned from the Weissmach and parts further North and East.... largely intact!

Despite some amazing adventures during our time in the frontier, I realized it was largely impossible to get any of my letters back to Verbobonc, so I have done my best to keep a running journal of our exploits, and upon returning to the more civilized village of Oshpenchin on the Ras-Prythax, have entrusted runners to go out and deliver each letter I write.

Beyond the affirmation of my survival, I believe this first letter should used to clear up some misconceptions about Weissmach that not only your subjects of Verbobonc suffer from, but all the loyal citizenry under the banner of the Krugraf as well.

First of all, there are TWO Weissmachs.  The general term "Weissmach" is used to cover all of the territory stretching the southern coast of the Mer Bal from Ras-Prythax's eastern border, all the way north to the Kalevalean Peninsula.

However, THE Weissmach is the large confederation of dominion, baronies, duchies, and principalities just east of Ras-Prythax.  These states were part of the great Ferasean Empires, but after each one collapsed, they fell back into this uneasy alliance of convenience.

Foolishly forgoing the obvious benefits of the Krugraf's rule and the Archbishop of Akana's guidance, their noble lines have a bizarre set of rules to keep the balance of power equal.  While power fills in any political holes, the other states constantly work with each other to keep other states in check.  It's quite confusing, but it has allowed various nations to stay independent from within and without.
The Palantine of Berndhoven is one of the fine examples of civilization with The Weissmach (Gran Duchy of Tutongria)
The similarities between The Weissmach and Ras-Prythax are quite obvious.  However, it appears The Weissmach still treats their orc and half-orc populations that same as the emperors did, with honor and equality.  I have even seen half-breed orcs still aspiring to high (mainly martial) positions in a very weakened Church of Akana.

As the Mer Bal turns north, the Kingdom of Nevskia blocks the path of civilized society from the wildmen of the North and the Galmar Barbarians further east.   It is rumored that the first Nevskians were, in fact, Galmar Barbarians who became "civilized" centuries.  They still maintain, or have converted, a number of Galmar traditions, including an unhealthy adoration of the horse.

The half-orc population is quite prevalent here as well. In certain communities, the orc blood is so ingrained within the population, that's it's not surprising to see just hints of small tusk protruding out of the mouth or an upturned nose that's almost flat.  The mixture of barbarian and orc blood in a barely civilized country has produced some memorable outbursts during my time there.
An outpost in Nevskia
The Gran Duchy of Regan lies above Nevskia, is a largely lawless land full of swamps, disease, and dysentery.  The foulest horsemen of Nevskia, the most violent wildmen of the north, and the most despicable  warriors of Wyrmnal have appeared to make this place their home.
A typical night for Regan High Society
It's ironic that Regan remains in one piece, as the near-mythical Knights of Talmark rule the land just to the north of them.  The Knights are rogue Knights of Feraso who fled through the barbarian invasions and found a dominion they could control on their own.  They are quite powerful, but between the threats of the North, Regan criminals, Galmar Barbarians, and even threats from distant outposts of elves and dwarves, the limited Summer proves ineffective for successful campaigning.
The Knights of Talmark tend to pick fights with far more imposing entities.
Having provided a brief summation of the land of Weissmach, I feel a bit more confident in my telling of some of the more outrageous stories we took part in.

Your Humble Servant,
Elsderth Greyhawk
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll
Sage of the Order of Merit, Former Sellsword - Extraordinaire

NEXT:  #21 Marauding Lagomorphs

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