
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

You're Supposed to Burn the Cthulhu Books IN GAME!

I can't tell you the reasons why I didn't make mention the Kickstarter for Sons of Singularity's The Sassoon Files, a campaign and scenario book for Shanghai for both Call and Trail of Cthulhu, but threats of the Chinese government burning their books fresh off the printer was not one of them.

According to their latest update (#34), the Chinese government ordered the destruction of the book on March 20th.  Lucky for the company, the printer refunded their deposit and they are vigorously shopping for a new printer, hopefully avoiding pyromaniacal Asian censors.

Perhaps a Puritanical government official didn't like the artwork for the bloated woman, or traditional cultists standing around pagodas.

Or perhaps they read about the alternate history where Shanghai's Old City was destroyed in an overactive radium explosion in 1925.

Chalk this up as a con against saving money to print in China. 

An aside from this whole mess, I learned that Golden Goblin press does use an American printer, based in Illinois for their work. 

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