
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 20, 2019

Games of Thrones, Game of Gnomes, and the Master Scheduler....

First off, not a fan of Game of Thrones.  I started reading the books and watched a few episodes over the course of free HBO weekends, and I felt it akin to some deranged historical political drama (Tudors, Borgias, etc) mixed with George R Martin's D&D group as a teenager as the main characters. 
To be honest, I haven't seen endgame yet, either.
You're telling me Tormund Giantsbane isn't every barbarian that's come across the table since they appeared in Unearthed Arcana? ... and he's  a character that's believable and that I LIKED.

Second order of business, if you're an HMGS (formerly and incorrectly referred to as EAST) member, please don't forget to vote for the Board of Directors.  Gaming with the Gnomies happens to be huge fans of Jim Stanton and John Spiess

And to segue to my third point, you're now reading the blog of the Vice-President of the Mountaintop Youth Basketball League (MYBL).  Unlike the current local political madness of Pennsylvania Primary season, this was a case board members resigning and me volunteering to help out in any capacity for MYBL.  For the Summer league, it just means I'll be at the community practices for an extra hour to field and resolve issues.  For the Winter league, I'm in charge of background checks and scheduling.  The calendar looked to be our friend this year, so a good portion of the schedule can take place before Christmas (and guaranteed bad weather). 

But the optimal schedule and cooperative school administrators creates a personal problem. 

The opening weekend of games is Saturday, November 16th. 

Right square in the middle of Fall-In! in King of Prussia

Since Dad is now the Master Scheduler, and last year's set-up was acceptable, I imagine Maja and I taking the day off to go down on the 15th, get home late Friday night, and let them sleep in while I run around to make sure the K through 2 leagues go off with minimal grumbling. 

The silver lining is that the league's season and big championship weekend, even with snow delays, should be two weeks before Cold Wars.

As goes the fabulous lifestyle of ViscountEric.

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