
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Treefolk Awaken From Their Slumber

During the first week of my new promotion, I finally got to see daylight at home on Thursday night, and immediately to the effort of mowing the lawn.... in it's entirety for the first time. 

This netted us a nice cleared lawn and the opportunity for the neighbors to come over for a playdate... a neighborly pizza party.... and gaming.

In the five years we've lived at our house, we've had three sets of neighbors on the right. 

The first couple had marital strife and dogs way to big for the house, even in Suburbia.  They gave way to Steve, Amanda, and their three kids.  They were truly beloved by our family and it was sad that they had to move out of the area on a job transfer. 

Enter our third family, James and Amy and their two little ones.  They were younger replacements of our old neighbors, and things seemed to work out well over the winter. 

While my girls were over at the house playing/watching their kids, Millie spied James looking at trading cards with his moment of peace at the house.  Getting a closer look, she proudly exclaimed, "My Daddy plays with cards like that too." 

James plays Magic (and Yu-GI-Oh! and Pokemon... and listens to RPG podcasts)

It's taken awhile since that chance happening, but with the neighbors over for pizza, wings, and beer, the fathers slid over to the dining room table for a little Magic: the Gathering.

And my Treefolk deck got to see the light of day... and the mostly Common-Uncommon Alpha/Beta version won a few matches! 
Fact that makes me feel old?  James was born the year after Magic was first released.  I've been out of the active play community for quite some time, but it's difficult to wrap around my head that I have cards older than the very adult neighbor with a full-time professional job, and who legally brought libations to the party. 

I have an office to clean up this weekend, but the Magic cards get a more accessible spot in the drawers

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