
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, June 1, 2019

International Tabletop Day and Neighbor's Cookout 2019

I don't normally celebrate International Tabletop Day, but with an open Friday and no plans by my wife, I had hope. 

Then we decided to tackle yard work and finally cleaning out my Mother-in-Laws' house before it gets put on the market. 

It was a beautiful day out, even for yardwork, so while I pounded by another bottle of water, our new neighbors came over and pondered an impromptu cookout of burgers and hot dogs at their place.

We had the out we needed... at least to delay the house cleaning.

As I recently mentioned, the husband, James plays Magic, loves gaming podcasts, and is trying to work his way through the 5e PHB

With squirt gun battles raging in the backyard, I felt it safer to grab something that caught his eye at my house that didn't involve cards. 

Enter my 1968 copy of Swahili. 

Purchased for a buck at a Bogglecon game auction eons ago, it's one of the totem purchases of my gaming collection which has survived every purge.  Sure, it's been sitting in the same spot in the garage when we moved in five years ago, but outside of missing one playing piece, it's an awesome game.

After that James tried to break out Zombie Fluxxx and Red Dragon Inn, but for the sake of the alcohol we consumed over the afternoon, and the wives and kids willing to play, their copy of Apples to Apples was a far better fit. 

It was the worst game of Apples to Apples for me, performance-wise, but a great time with friends and family. 

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