
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Mepacon is Moving to My Backyard!

After a weekend of house cleaning, backyard barbecues, outdoor fires, and our pool installation getting delayed again by the Seattle-weather, I was greatly amused to discover that our beloved local con, Mepacon, is moving to the outskirts of my neck of the woods for the Fall.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances with the Hilton in Scranton, Mepacon Fall 2019 will be November 8-10 at the Mountain Laurel Resort, outside of White Haven, Pennsylvania.

I know plenty of you are scurrying to Google Maps to figure that out, I'll make it simple.  Find I-476 on the map.  Follow it until you reach I-80.  A con at the junction to two interstates is a pretty good location.   Although the Wawa next store could probably handle most food options, there's plenty of fast food right nearby, and I'll compile a list for the con of local joints in White Haven proper that deliver the 5 minute drive.  Of course, the local IHOP just opened up as well...

And even if they face a forest fire, or wild fugitive at large the week of the convention, it's guaranteed to be better than POCON '94 as a Pocono resort gaming convention (and I had fun at that diaster of a con!)

Full notes about the move can be found here.

If the rooms sell out, I might offer space in my garage (it's a relaxing 15 -20 minute drive from my house).

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