
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, June 24, 2019

(Pulp Alley) #3.7 Meanwhile, Back in Earth-2 Sweden

Last week I actually got a game in for Father's Day, and this weekend, in-between hair appointments and a dance recital, I squeezed in the same game with my 10-year old daughter, Maja.

The same game?  Not exactly.

In episode #3.6, the forces of evil successfully kidnapped famed adventurer and archaeologist Maja Millie using the Savage Showdown rules.  This week, the same scenario will take place, but we'll be trying out the 1st edition rules for Pulp Alley before we grab the 2nd edition.
This set-up looks familiar....
The Heroes!
Leader (0): Maja Millie
H d10  B 3d10 S 2d8 D 3d10 M 2d8 F 3d10 C 3d10
Abilities: Danger Sense, Untouchable, Speedy
Unable to use firearms with Shooting

Sidekick (3): Nils Lingonberry
H d8 B 2d6 S 2d8 D 3d6 M 2d6 F 3d8 C 3d8
Abilities:  Shrewd, Financier

Sidekick (3): Amelia Ernhardt
H d8 B 3d6 S 3d8 D 2d8 M 3d6  F 3d8 C 2d6

Ally (2): Lord Cuppenbrush
H d6 B 2d6 S 3d6 D 1d6 M 1d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Marksman

Follower (1) Ted Mosby, Aviator
H d6 B: d6 S: d6 D: d6  M d6  F d6  C d6

Generic Cult #1
Leader(0): Cult Leader #1 Ally (2): Flash
H d10 B 2d10 S 3d10 D 2d8 M 3d10 F 3d8 C 3d10
Abilities: Rugged, Wealthy, Deadeye

H d8 B 3d6 S 1d6 D 2d8 M 1d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Fierce

Follower x5 (1): GENERIC CULTISTS
H d6 B d6 S d6 D d8 M 2d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Mighty

Like last time, Maja Millie and her friend, Ted Mosby, Aviator, where returning back to their Swedish cottage with big news.

Her friends at the cottage, Nils Lingonberry, Lord Cuppenbrush (in civilian clothes), and Amelia Ernhardt, famed Norwegian driver,pilot, and thrill seeker had heard the plane land, but needed to make a peril-free challenge roll to each take initiative (figuratively) and leave the cottage grounds to meet/help her.

A couple of other changes from the last scenario.  I let Maja set up the main group of bad guys in the same middle of the table, except this time she put all of the cultist henchmen together with Cult Leader #1.   I also allowed her to set up the ninjas anywhere six inches from the table edge and six inches from any enemy character.

I also formerly armed all participants with firearms (save Maja Millie who refuses to use them.)

And for the sake of clarity, references to Maja Millie are for the long-running character.  References to Maja are for my daughter, who is running the cultists.

Turn One (Heroes):  I won the initiative, and promptly moved Maja Millie at a brisk walking pace to the cottages.  All her associates successfully made their challenge rolls and moved towards the main road to meet their friend.

Turn One (Cultists):  With Maja's first activation, the red ninja, who was hiding inside the cottage sprung into action, attempting to attack Amelia from behind.

Dad had an answer to that:
 The Red Ninja failed his roll for his peril and the two of us looked at each other flabbergasted.

Did the ninja really trip through the doorway?   We guessed so.
 On the opposite end of board, the black ninja dashed around the bi-plane and tried to take out Ted Mosby, Aviator!
Alas, he would have easily slain him, if I didn't have a card allowing him a dodge and a move three inches away.  

Don't know if we're using these cards right, but I was grateful for them.  

Turn Two:  The Red Ninja regains her footing, but Amelia is quick to engage the assassin.  She fails, giving Maja the initiative, so the cultists are quick to move forward and open fire (tranquilizers I hope, given the objective is to kidnap her).  

Maja Millie, dodged weaved, and dove out the rain of bullets/darts, suffering only minor damage.  

The Cult Leader uncovered a plot point in the watermelon patch without issue,  Nils Lingonberry tried to fire at the leader but everything missed.

Turn Three:  With the cultists still in control, the cultists with guns continued their onslaught, with again Maja Millie only suffering superficial rules.  

The cult leader fired some bolt of arcane energy at Nils, but Nils barely escaped by leaping over a stone wall to safety.  
Same cards as before with Ted, but this time the effect was more spectacular.

Lord Cuppenbrush came around the barn and fired point blank with a shotgun.  The Cult Leader was unfazed, but distracted noticing a panicked Maja Millie running at full sped down the path and onto the main road. 
Ted Mosby, Aviator and the Black Ninja were locked in a tough melee, but somehow slew the Master of the Asian Arts.

... and Amelia and the Red Ninja were in a dramatic fight with punches and kicks, but little proper damage landing.

Turn Four:  The cultists reach a plot point: Lord Cuppenbrush's sedan and promptly hotwire it.
The other cultists chase down Ted, but only find his signature red boots. He had reached a plot point and rolled horrible. In his weakened state, he could no longer carry on....

Maja Millie had remember the sedan, and the keys above the visor, but as she turned the corner, the sedan's lights came to life and the engine revved.  She would need to run.  

Turn Five:  But she couldn't even move!  (Maja played a card that restricted her movement to 3" that turned, otherwise she would have run off the board.).  The sedan lurched forward, smashing the fence and nearly hitting Maja Millie.  

Luckily, Lord Cuppenbrush was right behind the barn and fired hit shotgun into the sedan.  He would need some new windows and fresh upholstery, but the cultist was no longer a threat.   

Turn Six: With the other cultists distracted, the Red Ninja fighting an honorable draw with Amelia Ernhardt, and the Cult Leader looking confused with his plot point in the watermelon patch,  Maja Millie escaped the board, with Lord Cuppenbrush guarding her rear. 

And there you have it, our first attempt with Pulp Alley was a success!  A poorly shuffled Fortune Deck and a pdf reference copy of the Quick Start rules was all I had, but we got through with as many questions as we usually have with Savage Showdown/Worlds.

I sense some similarities with the systems, so I place our main judgment on Maja's shoulders:

  • More dice to roll is always a good thing.
  • The cards can change the story in fun ways.
For me, the role of the "Director" determining who goes when was a bit underwhelming in this scenario.  In fact, we were a character or two further when we realized a couple times the the role switched to the other player.  For this particular scenario, I saw a lot of "my side goes, then your side," unless one of the qualifying points came up.  

We probably screwed up the fight with Amelia and the Red Ninja, but it was one of the most fun I had with a fight to a standstill since a Gnome Wars trench raid years ago.

I'll set up a few more test runs, before I project Pulp Alley as the core rules for my Pulp Game, Season 4, possibly even one of the campaign books. 

Next: #3.8 Another foray into Pulp Alley with An Unorthodox Egg Hunt.

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