
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #36 - Lunch with the Viscount

Verbobonc City, Viscounty of Verbobonc, Kingdom of Ras-Prythax

10th of Undec, Year 1022

His Honor, Freigraff Alwin Warmark, Totenlinden of the Barony of Amberstoll, Weissmach.

After what felt like an eternity, we all finally arrived to Verbobonc City!

I was a bit miffed when I came to announce myself to the Viscount, and some unknown manservant told us to come back tomorrow, but the wait was worth it.  We were greeted for our lunchtime arrival the next day with colorful streamers and pennants.  A small feast was laid out for us, and the Viscount arrived with his lovely daughter, Helena.

The Viscount's personality is the same as it was, but his visage has certainly aged quite a bit since the last time I had the pleasure of speaking with him.  He's still quite the storyteller, but the smallest distraction forced him to lose his place in the tale.

I believe his daughter is quite aware of this more recent decline, Helena is the only child of Wilfrick, and as a non-adventuring noble-lady of twenty years, has been fighting arranged marriages for quite some time.  However, recent visits by petty noblemen, prince's sons, and even a wealthy merchant or two have created a stir among the locals and Wilfrick's court.

Despite Helena's upbringing and respectable education at the Lyceum in Hydincall, it is near impossible for Wilfrick to name her the next Viscountess of Verbobonc.  If a marriage between her and one of the few qualified suitors can not be made, Wilfrick will name an heir from his nieces and  nephews.

Currently there are three contenders among Helena's cousins; Sir Eger who commands the Verbobonc Guard (NOT the Lancers), Lady Graham  a warrior-priest of Akana currently "crusading" against the orcs of Milosic, and Lady Graysteel who is a famed adventuress currently fighting the pirates of Tripolis in the far off Mer Med.  Graysteel is a favorite among the masses, but Eger is a fine soldier, already married, and his wife is expecting their first child in the next few months.

I had gotten through all of the correspondence the Viscount had sent to me, so I was quite up-to-date with current events, but to keep you abreast of the situations in Ras-Prythax:

The Elemental Temple has been cleared, razed where possible, and magically secured where it could not be destroyed.  Viscount Wilfrick himself escorted a contingent of the Verbobonc Lancers, although even he admitted to me that the presentation was all for show.

Viscount Wilfrick, returning triumphantly from the Temple of Elemental Evil
The Viscount has also re-established ties with local woodsmen and rangers to better patrol the Gnarly Wood and advise his troops of any precarious activity.

The issues with magic failing so long ago with the storms prior to our arrival at Betend?  Things appear to have returned to normal, metaphysically speaking.  There are some new cults that have popped up, worshiping specific traits of the arcane practice, whereas the god Yotia, covers all things wizardly and magically.   One of the cults is name Midnight, the woman who was accompanying Talanth Blackash and company while they were in Schattenwurf.  It could be a coincidence, but Blackash has been a coincidental black mark with all our journeys.

Wrymnalian bounty hunters have been turned back, thanks to the increase patrols on the River Road.  I still don't recommend you return to Wyrmnal to visit any loved ones or acquaintances.

On a more personal note for me, the Viscount invited the Order to escort him to my hometown of Feldkurton.  His inspectors and agents had uncovered some corruption and he had planned on rewarding the inspectors for uncovering the crimes and a rag-tag local barracks for stepping above the rampant crooked locals and arresting the locals responsible for events occurring.  The Viscount informed me that my family remaining in town were not part of the conspiracy, he was taken aback when I mumbled something about arresting them anyway, out of pure spite.

Over the next two days, we're to find tailors and bedeck ourselves in finer clothing.  I'm quite confident that the Order of Merit may be given a certain amount of recognition.  If anything is awarded to us, I will make sure that your prize or share is quickly sent to Amberstoll.

There are two moments of sorrow that I much relay to you, my friend.  First, I was made aware of the death of Torben Mikkelsen, the seneschal for the Viscount, and a staunch ally of yours truly, even during my first days as a scribe.

Secondly, Celeste took me aside and informed me of her decision to leave the Order of Merit and return to Crosedes after our trip to Feldkurton.  She has proven to be a valuable ally and friend, despite her previous relationships.  She was certainly no bloodthirsty holy man like Freigraff Warmark, but few men share your bloodlust, Alwin.

Your Friend,

Elsderth Greyhawk

DM Notes: Our interlude continues as Elsderth finally reaches Verbobonc.  My style of writing matches my GM styles as things need not resolve, but evolve.  

Most of the data about the Viscount and his extended family was directly stolen (and then modified to my non-Greyhawk campaign) from Hall of the Mountain King.  The death of a few leaders will have an impact on the world (and our letter writer), and one day Viscount Wilfrick will no longer be the recipient of this correspondence. Not campaign canon, but it matters to Elsderth, so it matters to me.

Next: #37 Greyhawk in Feldkurton.

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