Town of Feldkurton, Barony of Korbon, Viscounty of Verbobonc, Kingdom of Ras-Prythax
16th of Undec, Year 1022
His Honor, Freigraff Alwin Warmark, Totenlinden of the Barony of Amberstoll, Weissmach.
Quite a great deal has occurred in the short time since I dispatched the last letter to you via courier.
The mid-winter weather has proven amicable with our procession with Viscount Wilfrick, his entourage of staff and a few of the Verbobonc Lancers, myself, and our friends, to my hometown of Feldkurton.
I had not been in Feldkurton for but a few days in the last twelve years of my life, since my father essentially sold my apprenticeship as a scribe to Baron Augustus of Korbon to cancel a minor debt of unpaid taxes.
To be honest, I never even got a moment to retrieve any letters from the Viscount that were stowed away... before my mailing address changed to the Imperial Palace in Feraso City.
Word of our arrival had reached town ahead of us, so quite a fair crowd had assembled in the town square when we finally rode in.
While most of us dismounted to stretch our legs, Viscount Wilfrick stayed on his warhorse, Terror, and publicly called for the Mayor, as well as the Captain of the garrison.
When the men arrived, Wilfrick demanded to speak on a number of issues.
He commended the Captain, a rather sophisticated Northman name Rolf Housekarl, for assisting the Viscount's agents for exposing the greed and corruption, especially toward the local farmers.
By Viscount Decree, he removed the Mayor, a tiny and sniveling fellow named Fosterspell Andersen... promptly praised the virtues of myself and the Order of Merit, and before I properly realized it, knighted me on the spot and stunned everyone in attendance by granting my the land title for all of Feldkurton!
The Viscount believed the theft and deception around the granaries was a direct result of the poor decision of Baron Augustus, and to spite the man, he carved Feldkurton and the nearby environs out of his Barony and gifted them to me.... this new Dominion... of Greyhawk.
After the shocked applause of the crowd, and the a less-than-awe-inspiring speech by yours truly, we traveled to the outskirts of town. The agents of the Viscount had seized the manor of Colvin Festeburt, the chief criminal in the scandal. It currently housed the garrison and the agriculture inspectors, but according the Viscount, the inspectors were moving into town and I could move into the proper living quarters... with any and all of my friends. I was Sir Elsderth, after all, Lord of Greyhawk.
I only had a few short moment alone with the Viscount, but he assured me that his decisions were well planned out, a proper reward for my efforts, and the garrison and state offices were quite capable of administrating the Domain in the even any bout of wanderlust strikes my fancy again.
It's quite surreal, suddenly becoming the ruler of a hometown you hated, as much as none of the inhabitants remember you. While I suffer some paranoia that Baron Augustus with seek me out in revenge, he's quite overwhelmed and incompetent to focus on a former scribe in his employ.
In the day since I was knighted and granted this land, the inspectors have done most of the administrative work, and Captain Housekarl has been patient with me.
Celeste bid us farewell this morning, leaving Andrei Krasimir, our wizard and social maven, along with Murag Mountainahmmer and his dwarven inclinations to celebrate my good fortune in Greyhwak Manor
Your friend, always,
Sir Elsderth, Lord of Greyhawk
SageSword of the The Order of Merit
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Defiler of the Temple of Tiamat.
Freigraff Vagabundieren of the Totenlinden Amberstoll
DM Notes: Elsderth has received his just rewards, becoming Lord of the Dominion of Greyhawk. The dominion is financed entirely by the Viscount, to ensure the incompetence of the Baron of Korbon wouldn't run off onto him.
Festeburt's Manor is another item properly stolen from the Hall of the Mountain King. It's been a great resource for this climatic, but still filler, piece of the story.
Celeste's story here has come to an end. She has done her best clearing her own good name for its affiliation with Talanth Blackash, and it seems the proper time to return to Crosedes and spread the good news of Akana.
Next: #38 - A Funeral
16th of Undec, Year 1022
His Honor, Freigraff Alwin Warmark, Totenlinden of the Barony of Amberstoll, Weissmach.
Quite a great deal has occurred in the short time since I dispatched the last letter to you via courier.
The mid-winter weather has proven amicable with our procession with Viscount Wilfrick, his entourage of staff and a few of the Verbobonc Lancers, myself, and our friends, to my hometown of Feldkurton.
I had not been in Feldkurton for but a few days in the last twelve years of my life, since my father essentially sold my apprenticeship as a scribe to Baron Augustus of Korbon to cancel a minor debt of unpaid taxes.
To be honest, I never even got a moment to retrieve any letters from the Viscount that were stowed away... before my mailing address changed to the Imperial Palace in Feraso City.
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The quiet outskirts of Feldkurton |
While most of us dismounted to stretch our legs, Viscount Wilfrick stayed on his warhorse, Terror, and publicly called for the Mayor, as well as the Captain of the garrison.
When the men arrived, Wilfrick demanded to speak on a number of issues.
He commended the Captain, a rather sophisticated Northman name Rolf Housekarl, for assisting the Viscount's agents for exposing the greed and corruption, especially toward the local farmers.
By Viscount Decree, he removed the Mayor, a tiny and sniveling fellow named Fosterspell Andersen... promptly praised the virtues of myself and the Order of Merit, and before I properly realized it, knighted me on the spot and stunned everyone in attendance by granting my the land title for all of Feldkurton!
The Viscount believed the theft and deception around the granaries was a direct result of the poor decision of Baron Augustus, and to spite the man, he carved Feldkurton and the nearby environs out of his Barony and gifted them to me.... this new Dominion... of Greyhawk.
After the shocked applause of the crowd, and the a less-than-awe-inspiring speech by yours truly, we traveled to the outskirts of town. The agents of the Viscount had seized the manor of Colvin Festeburt, the chief criminal in the scandal. It currently housed the garrison and the agriculture inspectors, but according the Viscount, the inspectors were moving into town and I could move into the proper living quarters... with any and all of my friends. I was Sir Elsderth, after all, Lord of Greyhawk.
I only had a few short moment alone with the Viscount, but he assured me that his decisions were well planned out, a proper reward for my efforts, and the garrison and state offices were quite capable of administrating the Domain in the even any bout of wanderlust strikes my fancy again.
It's quite surreal, suddenly becoming the ruler of a hometown you hated, as much as none of the inhabitants remember you. While I suffer some paranoia that Baron Augustus with seek me out in revenge, he's quite overwhelmed and incompetent to focus on a former scribe in his employ.
In the day since I was knighted and granted this land, the inspectors have done most of the administrative work, and Captain Housekarl has been patient with me.
Celeste bid us farewell this morning, leaving Andrei Krasimir, our wizard and social maven, along with Murag Mountainahmmer and his dwarven inclinations to celebrate my good fortune in Greyhwak Manor
Your friend, always,
Sir Elsderth, Lord of Greyhawk
SageSword of the The Order of Merit
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Defiler of the Temple of Tiamat.
Freigraff Vagabundieren of the Totenlinden Amberstoll
DM Notes: Elsderth has received his just rewards, becoming Lord of the Dominion of Greyhawk. The dominion is financed entirely by the Viscount, to ensure the incompetence of the Baron of Korbon wouldn't run off onto him.
Festeburt's Manor is another item properly stolen from the Hall of the Mountain King. It's been a great resource for this climatic, but still filler, piece of the story.
Celeste's story here has come to an end. She has done her best clearing her own good name for its affiliation with Talanth Blackash, and it seems the proper time to return to Crosedes and spread the good news of Akana.
Next: #38 - A Funeral
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