
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Raybox Games: The Fine Purveyor of Legions of Steel (and More)!

I've made mention a few times on this blog that some of the original creators of Legions of Steel are looking to relaunch the game via Kickstarter in the near future.

The future got another step closer with the recent announcement that the relaunch of LOS, Inferno, and Stalingrad will be under the flag of Raybox Games

The web site is in its infancy, but it does have a spot of Pax Galactica, a new card-based starship combat game, as well as a link to request playtesting information.

*One quick note:  While someone will mention that the website itself calls Stalingrad a new game, I have a copy of the mid-90's playtest rules from Global Games somewhere in my collection.  To me, it's just part of the assumed lineup.*

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