
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Mike Lung Gallery #64 - More Palaeo Diet

Attached is a pic of the ever-growing tribe of Neaderfowls. 3 done and 9 more conversions to go to complete the tribe. In the pic, you can also see a new nemesis that has invaded the Neaderfowls' breeding ground...Floris Occulites. Perhaps there is an interdimensional gate nearby!

A few more pics from Mike regarding with Palaeo Diet project, specifically Neaderfowls and Gnomo Sapiens!

Also, a couple of Gnomosapien tribe pics after Chief Umak's first hunt after playing a game of Palaeo Diet. The tribe managed to kill a "Manny", but it was a really botched hunt and couple tribesmen were killed by the mammoth before they brought it down. Umak's leadership was certainly questionable and his own behavior during the hunt was less than noble. So afterwards, there was a fight for a new leader. But Umak thumped the would-be usurper in quick order. So that settled that. He is still chief. But some of his disgruntled tribe did slip away and form a new tribe under the leadership of Braun...more on him later.


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