
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

#RPGaDay2019 Day 28: What I'd Love to Play

We're winding down the list #RPGaDay2019 and I'll openly admit the the last three days I wrote will go in this order:

Last: Day 31
2nd to Last: Day 28
3rd to Last:  Day 30

Yes, I jump ahead, but "LOVE"  was a tough one.

I though about covering the games I currently love.  Perhaps the RPG-related stuff that I love, or, "Why  Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff and Fear the Boot are the only two podcasts I'm still excited to listen to."

So let's go to simpler topic, more positive (the others are definitely more what turned me off a game topics.)

What games would I love playing, that I'm not already.
Star Wars d6 tabletop/online "Reunion" game - I wrote about "the" Star Wars d6  campaign I missed the boat playing in back in Day 11.  This and a little correspondence stirred up the idea of a reunion, and yes, I get a seat at the table, sofa, chaise lounge, etc...  May never happen, but the concept is exciting.

The CHALLENGE Challenge - The Reunion game has allowed me to further purse the idea from Day 26 of running multiple games based on articles from Challenge Magazine. Traveller Star Wars, Twilight 200, Caddies and Dinos? I'll try anything.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - The problem with getting ahead on this project and going out of order? Realizing I finished up a whole topic related to the recent 5e Saltmarsh hardcover... for Day 30.

Savage Rifts -  Yes, I vilified Rifts back on Day 20, but there's a small part of me who still thinks it's doable.

Hackmaster: Burning Trogs Redux - The eternal "dream game" of restarting our Hackmaster 4th edition game that ended in 2004.

Call of Cthulhu "1926" - It's actually been three years since I somewhat neatly wrapped up my ongoing Cthulhu campaign with the completion of Masks of Nylarathotep.   I still have one investigator who survived from session #2, and tons of plot lines left over.  I'll skip (most of) Spawn of Azathoth, and take the two years to tie the group into a fabulous event in Massachusetts.

Talislanta Savage Land/Conan/Pre-Feraso - Still pondering an idea of running some Howard-esque Fantasy, using my Talislanta Savage Land PDF, perhaps some research into the Conan game, or just doing some sword, sandal, and sorcery D&D, fleshing out the pre-history of my long running campaign.


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