
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 5, 2019

#RPGaDay2019 Day 5: Terraforming Mars a la Risus

Day 5 of #RPGaDay2019 and the word of inspiration is "Space."

Somewhere on this blog, if not on a previous #RPGaDay, I did cover my preferred types of gaming space, but I rarely make mention to Space RPGS.

As I pondered this, I did just play in a two-session Star Trek (Modiphius) game, and we played some Next Gen back in college using Last Unicorn, but not much else.

My Star Wars RPG experience is all 20th Century, although I've greatly enjoyed the run of the Mynock over at the OneShot Podcast.  Even convinced me to pick up the Fantasy Flight Games rulebook and funky dice cheap, although they were the victims of the latest purge.

Then I remembered we took a few minutes to make old-school Traveller characters awhile back (no one died), but I couldn't recall running a Space RPG this century.

Then I finally remembered.  I may run some Call of Cthulhu or BECMI D&D online nowadays, but the first game I attempted to run online was
Terraforming Mars using Risus.
Session one was a lot more potential science than fiction, with the characters dealing with issues on a Mars with established, but very early terraforming.

Session two, I think I finally became comfortable and let out the gonzo pulp-esque plot twist.  Even if it is a completely baseless claim, I blame Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff for potentially using the term "Nazi-infused Martian DNA" during one of their podcasts.


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