
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

#RPGaDay2019 Day 6: Treasures of the Ancients

The word for day 6 of #RPGaDay2019 is "Ancient."

I could go some ancient Egyptian or Hellenistic era gaming, but I felt it better to through the collection again and find the oldest RPG item that has survived the purges. 

I don't have any of my 2nd or 3rd printing AD&D books with the original covers anymore.  I don't own any Empire of the Petal Throne or Tunnels and Trolls books.  I even missed out on the Gary Gygax signed copy of Chainmail many moons ago for steal (alas, no cash).

The oldest thing I have left in my collection is a beaten to hell copy of 1st Edition Gamma World rulebook and map of North America.  No box, no dice.

Funny thing is, I've never actually used this edition for anything.  We did play the heck out of the 4th Edition softcover, but to be honest, my nostalgia is getting skewed after 27+ years.  I thought that we heavily played for the month and a half we had left in high school before I went off and left for Basic Training/AIT.  We did a mixture of old (Famine at Far-Go, Legion of Gold) with the new modules that weren't released for months later.  This meant we gamed over the Winter of '92/Spring of '93 when I came back for college and my Reserves unit.  It also explains why we gave my buddy Wooly a copy of the rules finally for his graduation in 1993.

I may actually admit being old.  At least older than Gamma World 1st Edition.

(Edit: After seeing some of the responses for today's post, I'm adding an addendum.  With all the purges of my collection, the one gaming item I know I've owned the longest is a Gamma World 2nd Edition Referee's Screen. 
I picked this up for fifty cents during the great TSR glut at Kay-Bee Toys in the very early 90's and it has served me well as a generic GM screen over the years.

Second oldest owned book?  Talislanta 3rd edition.  I started with 2nd, but found a pristine copy to replace the used and abused copy many moons ago.

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