
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, October 28, 2019

I Survived October, and I Even Got a Little Gaming in.

Rant and Rave Time, folks.  I'll promise to do better next post.

Two weeks into the busiest time of the year for me at work.   My department has about half the work staff hours I'd like to have, we have lots of questionable decisions being made above my pay grade, and only half of our programs are responding accordingly. 

About the same as every year, but how can I make this a "hold my beer" moment.

Take on the responsibilities of coach recruitment, practice and game scheduling, and conducting drafts for four divisions of players in the community rec league. 

Plus hockey season's in full swing.  I'm finding myself falling asleep at games that are otherwise pretty exciting.

I had my moment for some Sunday gaming, but I blew it with housework, cleaning up some light water in the basement, and taking the kids into the office for a couple of hours.  Still, with late nights and cryptic emails, we've managed to get a little bit of gaming in this month.  And better yet, as of Sunday night, there's actual paint on figures! 

Basketball: Let this be my evidence if I snap, after volunteering all this time, I absolutely hate parents... as parents and as coaches.   At this point, I've easily put in double the time a coach will spend with their team with games and practices over this 10-13 week season.  Too many egos for their kids and and their teams.  Funny thing is, I keep mentioning that even the good kids that make it to high school have a long and storied history of riding the bench for a local Division III college team that Mommy and Daddy paid tuition for out of pocket.  It's that type of situation.

And admit to being somewhat hypocritical:  using my executive privilege as a board member and main scheduler, I got myself a primo schedule for Millie's team... especially since I'm coaching it (God help these children), as well as flexibility with the game schedule since the girls Fall Basketball playoffs land on the same Saturday as opening day for Winter ball. It was complete luck that I drew the #1 pick of the draft and the best lottery pick out of the girls who didn't show up to tryouts.  Once Thanksgiving rolls around, life might calm down at the ViscountEric household, although I doubt it. 

Kickstarter:  I had some second thoughts and pulled out of the Golden Goblin Holiday Collection.  I did stay on for the Pulp Figures Dangerous Dames that just completed, and I'm still stuck at $1 trying to make a few early decisions for Reaper Bones V.

Legions of Steel Playtest:  While there are a number of things I'm disappointed I couldn't get in this month, not playtesting for Legions of Steel is the top.  The rules haven't changed (much), but I want to break out the old tiles and try the playtest rules with Maja.
Not my figures, but I simply love the staging.
No to Mepacon, Probably to Fall-In!:  Despite Mepacon begin right in my backyard, my staffing levels are good enough to take extra time at work off.  With scrimmages taking up the middle of my day, and hockey tickets that night, I'm scratching another one off my list.   

Fall-In! is a bye week for basketball, so I can still get Maja to Friday night practice and possibly do a day trip.  To be honest, my shopping list is a bit light this year, some Post-Apoc figures from Brigade, some old Grenadier Dragonmen from Badger, and maybe a copy of Last Days: Seasons if it's available.  Cold Wars will be the big con for me next year. 

Painting:  Sci-Fi is in the very messy queue.  Might even get some time to do some assembly line work with the girls.

Celebrity Sighting at the FLGS:  This one punched me in the gut on Sunday.  I'd like to make it a proper fanboy moment, but I skipped Twitter the last two weeks, and upon my return, I discovered that one of my favorite RPG authors has moved into the area, and in those two weeks, has been running one-shot after one-shot at the local store.  May need to stake the place out this week, and see what happens.  More details to follow.


  1. "I Survived October..." - That's a pretty bold statement, considering October isn't even over yet!

    Hopefully things do calm down for you in November.

    1. After Trick or Treating, I got to spend time at the bench, painting away, straightening up. Quarter to midnight, I went upstairs for a drink, and by the time I came back down, the sump pump was overwhelmed and once I got the back-up going, my shoes were a bit wet (two inches of rain in two hours will do that....) The basement will be bone dry and ready for more by Sunday.

    2. Oh dear! Now I'm sorry I brought it up....
