
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #50 - Eldserth Greyhawk and the Order of Merit

The Twenty-Second day of DuoDec, in the Year 1027

The Town of Feldkurton, Dominion of Greyhawk, Viscounty of Verbobonc

To His Lordship, Viscount Wilifrick of Verbobonc,

It is day seven of the same blizzard that no doubt affects Verbobonc City. Many townsfolk have sought the safety of the manor and other government buildings, those who remain out in these conditions are no doubt tending to their livestock.  We gave up searching for stranded travelers on day three.

But one day, the sun shall emerge from behind the clouds, the world will thaw, and the snow will melt.  And one day, the backlog of correspondence I've cleared up during this imprisonment will be sent out to the four corners of Ras-Prythax and beyond, so it may come as no surprise that I have include My Lordship with those letters.

I had just received a letter from Alwin Warmark mere days before the blizzard.  He is still the Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll, or, in more common terms, a judge or magistrate.  He is, by all accounts, the second most powerful man in Amberstoll, just below Baron Remo himself.  He does not miss the adventuring lifestyle, having retained none of the trophies of that time, and instead relishes the scholarly pursuits of the law.
Alwin Warmark - 4th level Priest of Akana 
S: 14  I: 10  W: 13 D: 12 Con: 15 Cha: 13 
HP:  21  AC: 9 (Chain Mail sold off years ago).
XP Earned: 10,343
Read/Write: Trade Prythax, Religion, Spellcraft, Local History: Weissmach, Law.

One I have not heard of in many years is the fiery barbarian woman, Morya Silverbough.  I reckon that she is still terrorizing ne'er do wells somewhere between Nevskia and Wyrmnal
Morya Silverbough - 3rd Level Barbarian (1e UA)
S: 16  I: 14  W: 10 D: 15 Con: 16 Cha: 13 
HP:  36  AC: 4 (Chain Mail)
XP Earned: 22,558
Att: 3/2   Damage 1d8+4 (Battle Axe +2)
Blindfighting, Weather Sense, Gaming, Survival

Murag Mountainhammer is still a resident of the Dominion of Greyhawk, and an active member of the Order of Merit.  He has not settled down, although he is currently barricaded in his house in the hills, with enough firewood, ale, and whiskey to last him through the winter, or in his particular case, we may send out a search team to check on him first.

Murag Mountainhammer - 6th Level Dwarf Fighter
S: 16  I: 12  W: 11 D: 12 Con: 16 Cha: 10
HP:  47  AC: 2 (Dwarven Plate Mail +2, Ring of Protection +2)
XP Earned: 45,217
Att: 3/2   Damage 1d8+3 (Battle Axe +1)
Mining, Stonemasonary, Mountaineering, Weaponsmithing

My good friend Andrei Krasimir is still a wizard of some skill and is looking for the classic tower to continue their studies.  I heartily recommend My Lord bestows some tower appropriate to his ability, to maintain his residence full-time in Ras-Prythax.  He is discussing traveling to Hermetus to explore wizardly properties.

Andrei Krasimir - 9th Level Magic-User
S: 10  I: 10  W: 16 D: 12 Con: 17 Cha: 8
HP:  44  AC: 2 (Bracer of Defense AC 5, Ring of Protection +3)
XP Earned: 135,950
Att: 1  Damage 1d4+3 (Dagger +3)
Language: Purmove, Language: Trade Prythax, Ettiquette, Riding Land-Based, Astrology, Spellcraft
Wand of Paralyzation, Wand of Lightning, Wand of Magic Missle, Wand of Wonder, and a ridiculous spell book full of more spells than he could possibly learn.

And finally, I, Sir Elsderth Greyhawk, despite being trapped in a crowded manor, am in good spirits, largely due to the birth of my second, a daughter named Eleanore.  Both mother and baby are doing well, given the circumstances.
Sir Elsderth (Millbottom) Greyhawk, Lord of Greyhawk, 6th Level Fighter
S: 9 I: 17 W: 11 D: 13  Con: 12, Cha: 9
HP:  43  AC: 4 (Chain Mail and Shield)
Racist (Elf), Prematurely Gray.
XP Earned: 85,257
Att: 2/1  Damage 1d8+2 ("Betrayer" Longsword +1)
Read/Write Trade Prythax, Arcane Lore, Botany, Riding Land, Etiquette, Agriculture
Stone of Earth Elemental Summoning

Next:  #51 - The Tower of Enerk

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