
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #49 - Vanished!

The Twenty-Second day of OctDec, in the Year 1026

The Town of Feldkurton, Dominion of Greyhawk, Viscounty of Verbobonc

To His Lordship, Viscount Wilifrick of Verbobonc,

It has been an endeavour, but we have safely arrived back in Feldkurton!

For the third year in a row, the "Order of Merit" left the confines of governing Greyhawk and visited acting Totenlinden of Amberstoll in the Weissmach, Alwin Warmark, before journeying south to holiday on the Almond Coast.  My dear wife of two years, Felecia Bächi does not suspect that my "Special Diplomatic Mission" is indeed an escape full of old friends and revelry.  With the birth of our first son, Matthias, I expected a more discernful eye, but she was just as joyous to see us go as she was when we returned.  Perhaps it was the near gleeful opportunity to declare herself pregnant four months with our second child!

Perhaps I should start looking for a small lodge closer to Greyhawk.

While it is nothing like our adventures of yore, Murag Mountainhammer the Dwarf, and my friend Andrei Krasimir still take the journey with me.

As I sit back home at my desk, I must express some concern that the bulk of my time in the beautiful Almond Coast was not focused on the beach... or the halfling cuisine, but rather the fact for the third year in a row, I have not heard of word uttered about Talanth Blackash and his compatriots.  

For as much as we figured to be two steps behind their travels, I'm shocked that a few cheap drinks with ever cheaper coins does not rattle some peasant's brain of some elven misdeed. 

It appears as if they all vanished after "investigating" the Hill Giant Chief.... or perhaps the Ithillids of Needlepsire, I can't recall clearly. 

Still, there's a part of me that wishes the elf finally got his comuppence in some less-than-savory country. 
A former scribe can dream, can't he?
Fall taxes will be delivered on time.  The harvest seems to be another success.

Yours in Service,

Sir Elsderth Greyhawk, Lord of Greyhawk
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll.

DM Notes:  The Steading of the Hill Giant Chieftain was the last adventure I ran for my high school group.  Talanth, the Drunken Warrior, the Stupid Ranger, and the Busty Mage never made an appearance in any future games. 

But perhaps the sedentary family lifestyle of a minor noble in the great country on Georic isn't in the blood of the former scribe, even with a second child on the way. 

This letter was the only way to use the cover of Dragon #136, the first issue of Dragon I ever purchased. I always thought about ways to set it up, but my high school self was preoccupied with xp than crafting an intricate plot line. 

NEXT: #50 The Order of Merit, Revisted.

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