
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, October 21, 2019

Oh No, They Got Yahoo! Groups Too???

First Google Plus came crashing down.  Now, another quiet announcement marks the end of a long term internet staple. 

Yahoo! Groups, a lifeblood still many smaller communities for two decades, will be shuttering operations for good before the end of the new year.

You just have till the end of today to put your last mark on your favorite group, but it won't last long, because the plug gets pulled on December 14th. 

Truth be told, I just accessed my yahoo mail for the first time in forever this past weekend, and if they purged my emails due to the length of inactivity, I probably haven't longed in in a year or three....

I mean, the last gaming traffic on the ERPGA (Easton Role-Playing Game Association) group was the death of Gary Gygax and the fact that "Crazy Darryl" was probably going to get himself killed touring Moldolva.   All of this was before my children were born.

Farewell Yahoo! Groups.  You served us well.

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