
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, December 2, 2019

Good Lord, 3,000 Posts for Gaming with the Gnomies!

Holy moley! On the heels of the blogs 10th Anniversary back in September, this is the 3000th blog post!

I'd like some sort of retrospective covering the high points of my 500th, 1000th, 1500th posts, etc... but all those posts were retrospectives themselves.

So let's just do a quick update.

SATLOF: Our group's Saturday After Thanksgiving Leftover Feast continues to evolve. Last year it became Steve and Angi's, and this year they moved into their new house....literally 24 hours before SATLOF was supposed to start. The biggest relief for all of us was that the new house is less than a two minute walk from the old one. And despite things still being boxed up, they did snag an old, fancy traditional dining room set for a song. We may have just eaten, drank, and laughed as normal for the rest of the night, but for our game of Family Plots, we played in style.

Real Life: The last truly crazy week of work is ahead and not only is the northeast hit with the sloppiest assortment of winter weather, but a family member of my boss passed away and he'll be out for half of it. If we all can get in, we should be knock out everything.

Basketball: Took the week off for scheduling issues/complaints for the holiday, and things have not collapsed into chaos. With the weather canceling Maja's first travel team game Sunday, my weekly update rant will be small.

Lost Dispatches: The project that will not die. When I originally started posting actual plays of my old campaigns (starting with The Journey of Mutumbo in 2012, already 11 years old), I had no intention of going back and covering stuff from what's now 25-30 years ago. Attitudes and goals change and I thought this would be a great way to tie in my high school D&D campaign, my "Army" D&D campaign, and a few short lived games into the tapestry of my current World of Georic. I don't know what the readers think, but I've had a blast filling in the holes to the campaign (and blank space on the map) with the travels of Elsderth.

The extent of the my high school D&D game has been documented, nay "interpreted," and now I'm just trying to use the mini-campaigns to weave the two larger games together. I don't know what the readers think, but I'm having a blast, rekindling some of those GM skills I haven't truly used since we finished Masks of Nylarathotep.

Including a break for the holidays, weekly episodes are finished through January, and barring any further expansions, there appears to be twenty more episodes after that.

Gaming: Monday night D&D is moving right along, the kids are receptive to games (Millie has discovered Pokemon, God help us), but there's no big "event" gaming like we're used to. As I'm typing this portion up early on Sunday, perhaps a morning of carpet cleaning, laundry folding, and pre-Christmas prep, mixed with a cancelled basketball schedule, will allow us to set up one of the three games I've been wanting to play since Halloween.

Painting: I still haven't brought my Fall-In! purchases downstairs to prep. If we can get a game in this day/week/month, I'm hoping to start some momentum.

ViscountEric's Birthday Bash: A positive response to the concept for Mepacon Spring 2020. Only request I got was to run Cthulhu Comes to Springfield for TOON, although I'm pondering running them two "episodes" per two hour con slot, instead of the three in a traditional four hour slot. That way, I can run Toon, I could run some My Little Pony for the kids, and maybe, just maybe, I can set up some Car Wars (5th Edition) for the mid-afternoon Saturday, or maybe even Sunday slot.

Cold Wars 2020: I'll be volunteering in the HMGS Wargaming in Education program. More on that as the con gets closer, but I'm also in the early planning stages of reviving my Battle of Yellowstone game. That game was educational before educational was cool!

Project 350: The concept to try to control the drafts and schedule blog post hidden behind the scenes to 350 total was a pipe dream then and is now even more ridiculous. With this posting, I'll be at *drum roll*.... 471 (352 drafts and 119 scheduled). And the scheduled posts? If I stopped working on the Lost Dispatches and just let what's in the queue process, I wouldn't break 100 scheduled posts until April Fool's, although by this next year I'll be at 60, and finally cracking 50 after 2021. I hate posting holiday stuff for the holiday, so it's better to set them up now (Through 2028 for Easter!).

(Edit: It's funny that this post is no longer my 3,000th post. Ukraine spambots have cluttered my feed with fake pageviews and to make any sense of my casual blog stats without using Google Analytics, I've rehashed the same post with a different title on the same day.)

1 comment:

  1. Huzzah! Looking forward to the next 3000!

    (no pressure!)
