
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Week 4

And on the fourth week, ViscountEric rested.  With the exception of a quick trip to the league president's house to drop off my daughter for a sleepover with his daughter's, I've not handled any issues with a wide range of scheduling problems.  Mondays and Tuesdays will solve themselves after this week, extra practices will get squeezed in later in the season, and once snow days start closing the schools, our mid-week practices won't hold an advantage.

The girls, on the other, did get plenty of quality practice time with their two-on-one sessions with their coach, Mia.  Three hours of drills early in the week nearly wiped them out for Thanksgiving!

With this past Sunday travel team game at the Kingston Rec cancelled due all the ice and sleet, the only other basketball related activity was sometime on Saturday when we all visited my mother at the old ancestral manse in Easton.  My sister and brother-in-law came up from Philly, and it was a decent visit, but by the end we all needed some time outside before it got dark for some swings, some slides, and "Oh? Who put a basketball in the trunk?"
During my childhood, if  I wasn't in my backyard, or riding my bike, I was at this park.  Football and wiffleball were more my thing back then. Heck, the original surface of the basketball court was too small on the sides for a regulation three-point line!  Needless to say, things have been significantly improved upon over the years

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