
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Week 7

While I try to start my rants about the girls' performance, I'll handle the looming specter of my novice career as a coach / sports administrator.

I've been cleared of any wrongdoing in the great scandal from last week.

Schools have video cameras, and outside of my self-reported outburst that I already apologized for, all the evidence points to the other adults.  No decision has been made on player in question, but miraculously, she was an active participant in her team, rather than an out of place center trolling the paint for victims.

Maja's league team continues to roll over the competition with another 15 point win. 
And then we flew up the highway for the girl's holiday dance recital.  Best one yet!  The girls danced great and both their performances were in the first half of the recital, so we could leave early and grab dinner at the North Slope Brewing company in Dallas.  No beer for Dad, mom thought the wine was too sweet (impossible!), but the food was great.

Mille's game was another rematch with the Sixers, missing their center.   It was incredibly close, just getting out of reach with 48 seconds left in the game, 21-16.   In hindsight, their talented pair of twin point guards (yes, they are twins) didn't beat us, the fourth and fifth players getting shots to drop where our's couldn't did the damange. 
Sunday was an unexciting Board of Directors meeting for MYBL, followed by a super-duper late game at the rec center.  The girls rebounded from their drubbing last week and put together a yeoman's effort and a solid 20-10 win.  

The games were all great (especially compared to last week's issue), but the high point was the flurry of snow squalls that wrecked havoc on the  region and practice schedules.   Holiday programs and early dismissals destroyed practice times and sucked up open gym time.  The Bulls that we invite to our Spurs practice?  Some hung out and were asked to fill in for the Sixers who practice afterward.  And then, the girls from the Spurs and Bulls got to participate in the girl's travel team practice, a great opportunity to expand their horizons.  
No screaming adults.  Nobody trying to hurt everyone.  Lots of laughter mixed into hard work.  That's the way it's supposed to be. 

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