
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, December 27, 2019

The Mandatory Christmas Swag Post for 2019

Gaming-wise, this Christmas wasn't of years of old, where a well-place Amazon wishlist, a self-purchased mini order, or my wife ripping a FLGS owner a new one for a 4pm Christmas Eve delivery of a 17-day old order.

The big gift for me this year was my wife upgrading my phone to an iPhone 11. Once I figure out the cool camera options, I expect better pictures... or perhaps I should work on detailing my minis better... it's going to show.

My sister always gets me something Lovecraftian, so this year was both packs of Mythos in my Pocket.  I think my old M.U.S.C.L.E figures could wrestle Dagon in the squared circle, but the rest are simply amusing.

My co-worker Tom (David Kavia from my Masks campaign) came in over the break to drop gifts off and mine was a pit-fiend from the Wiz-Kids Pathfinder line.  I swear pit fiends were smaller in previous editions.

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