Saturday, December 15, 2018

Mythos in My Pocket?

What do you get for the Lovecraft fan with everything?

How about Mythos in My Pocket?
Mix in Cthulhu Mythos, Monster in My Pocket, and M.U.S.C.L.E figures (whom I already love very much) and this might be a winner.


  1. They are pretty cool, but - youch! - they ain't cheap!

    1. I wrote this up prior to their release on the Etsy site. Eek! Not the cheap vat/tub/chest of M.U.S.C.L.Es my Mom picked up at K-Mart back in the day.

    2. HH Toys is a tiny, one-man operation out of Philly so I doubt they can handle order numbers from whatever factory they're coming from to get the price breaks to drive the MSRP down to Super 7 prices.
