
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, February 10, 2020

Car Wars Unboxing

As much as I love the concept of Kickstarter, very rarely do I take the "all in" approach.  I rarely have the time, the money, or the space to handle such grandiose pledge levels.

Except for the Pocket Box Games of the 80's that Steve Jackson Games launched.

The options and pledges escalated well, and I bit the bullet and got the $200 Car Wars level.

Here's their display on the page:
Here's what came to my door earlier this month:

Breaking all this down, I have a beautiful feeling that I'm completely overwhelmed in Car Wars.

Bundle #1
  • Car Wars
  • Truck Stop
  • Convoy
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 1
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 2
  • GURPS Autoduel
  • Car Wars Arena Book
  • 1 Empty Pocket Box.

Bundle #2:
  • Crash City
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 3
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 4
  • Uncle Al's 2036
  • The Best of ADQ V1
  • GURPS - Zombietown U.S.A.
  • 1 Empty Pocket Box

Bundle #3:
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 6
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 8
  • AADA Vehicle Guide
  • Uncle Al's 2038
  • Autoduel Champions
  • 2 Car Wars Pocket Folders
  • 2 Empty Pocket Boxes

 Bundle #4:
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 5
  • Car Wars Expansion Set 7
  • BOAT WARS!!!!
  • Uncle Al's 2035
  • Uncle Al's 2039
  • Car War Pocket Folder 
  • 1 Empty Pocket Box

Of course, I miscalculated/misread the campaign and forgot that the Car Wars pledge level included Illuminati Expansion Sets 1-3, so silly me ordered an extra of 1 and 2!
In addition to all this, I also received my two extra pocket boxes in a separate shipment from Texas.  Perhaps I should have ordered more.... At least I took care of storage by pledging the Bag of Bags Kickstarter.

The cost of the Car Wars book on Steve Jackson Warehouse 23 costs around $100... and that's for PDF!   Throw in all the Pocket Box games and this truly is a bargain. 

Now I just need one blizzard this winter to get the time to go over everything... mwhahaha!



    I know so many guys that played Car Wars - back in the day... but somehow I just never got into it. I do remember seeing ALL of those things in my FLGS at one time or another, though. Brings back some memories...

    I did play a lot of Illuminati. I think I still have my original - somewhere - with all three expansions (Though I'm not entirely sure I ever played with the third.... I think I picked that one some years after we were regularly playing it... but then INWO came out, and then a new Deluxe Illuminati...)

  2. It's like a mid-life crisis for me, but in this version, I buy the Corvette and keep it in the garage in one of the town's where they filmed Ice Road Truckers.

    Don't known I have the time to sticker all the boxes and cut and bag all the chits, but I do have a nice storage spot in a drawer for all of it to fit in.
