
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #63 - The Gran Duchy of Markovia

18th of HepDec - Town of Dunzig, Gran Duchy of Markovia
From the foothills of Devarnish into the mountains of Markovia, the roads turned to nearly worn footpaths.  I can't imagine a caravan taking this route, but over a steep incline, it finally arrives at Dunzig, the only real port town for a large dominion with a sizable coastline.

The mountains jut out of the Starfall Chanel and MerNor water at 500 feet high.  Unlike the fjords of Zieland and Wyrmnal, there are just about no safe spots for a settlement.  Dunzig, a glorified village, and a few remote fishing villages built into the cliff face dot the coast and barely offer a chance to escape the jagged peaks.

It's no surprise that the economy of the Gran Duchy is mining any and all ores, gems, and anything else hidden.  There little decent land for proper farming, so most items need to be hauled in by caravan, making everything else quite expensive.

Of all the possessions of Ras-Prythax, Markovia seems to be the most diverse.  The deceived dwarves of Devarnish appeared to have migrated next door, keeping a healthy community of gnomes alongside.   Most avoid human politics, keeping to the goings-on of their clans or their mines.

The demi-humans have assisted the Markovians with an ingenious water solution.  Dozens of windmills not the mountain ranges, operating pumps with draw water for the higher-altitude communities from freshwater lakes below.  It is quite the feat of engineering!

Human mines have encroached on the dwarven holdings, and were pushing the Duke to enact the same taxes as Devarnish.  The Duke resisted, and as much as I could ascertain this might be the reason for his sudden and accidental death.

The streets of Dunzig are buzzing with rumors and talk, but for know, I will pay for a much-needed bath to wash off the trail dirt, a hearty meal, and a drink of two, before getting much needed sleep and inquiring about the trio of adventurers I'm looking for.

Next #64 - Into the Heart of Darkness


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