
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 30, 2020

Another Month of Gaming (April '20)

Last month, Alliance Game Distribution's Game Trade Magazine was late.  This month it showed up a week earlier. Take that short span and mix in some COVID-19, which has shut down Alliance and her comics-distributing sister, Diamond, and it's not surprising that this month's issue is a bit sparse. The Games pdf still clocks in at 35 pages, but there are a few interesting companies filling in pages:

Dark Horse

Lots of Graphic Novels, and of course there's overlap, but that's what a copy of Previews is for...
Add in all the fluff pages, and it's a thin month, May and June might be this bad as well...

(Edit: Due to these unusual times, Alliance just made the entirety of Game Trade Magazine #242 available online. All the articles, all the ads, all the solicitations, and most importantly, DORK TOWER!)

ViscountEric's Want List

ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List 
Decision Games
Corrupt Bargain: The 1824 Presidential Election Boxed Set ................... $69.00
If I was the demographic for a game, this would be it....

The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
Babylonia .......................................................... $49.99
Tokaido ............................................................. $39.99
Tokaido: Crossroads Expansion ....................... $24.99
Tokaido: Matsuri Expansion ............................ $24.99
Professor Evil and the Citadel of Time ............ $40.00
Yukon Airways ..................................................$49.99

Catalyst Game Labs
Battletech Battle Mats ...................................... $29.99 each
Grasslands Alpine, Desert, Luna, and Savanna
Shadowrun RPG: Firing Squad ....................... $49.99

It appears that CMON has a license to produce a Munchkin (Steve Jackson Games) boardgame, Munchkin Dungeon.  Sixty bucks for the main game with three, thirty dollar expansions.  I may be the only person on Earth who doesn't get the overall appeal of CMON's products (Song of Ice & Fire Minis are an exception), but I can't be the only person to notice that their products haven't been flying off the two FLGS's shelves for almost a year.  

Evil Hat Productions
Fate Core RPG:  Fate Space Toolkit HC ................ $20.00

Fantasy Flight Games
Nothing but LCGs in their solicitations, and zero Star Wars, FFG becomes a waste of space in the magazine for my imaginary store.

Jellybean Games
Meow! ........................................................... $19.95

Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dinosmasher's Fury Structure Deck
Yu-Gi-Oh! Mechanized Madness Structure Deck
Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternity Code Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Speed Duel Match of the Millennium and Twisted Nightmares Starters

Mantic Entertainment
Walking Dead - All Out War Tabletop Omnibus ..... $39.99
Walking Dead - Whisperers Booster ........................ $19.99
Walking Dead - Whisperers Faction Set .................. $39.99

Mondo Games 
Die Hard 1000-Piece Puzzle .................................. $20.00
D&D 1000-Piece Puzzle       .................................. $20.00
GI Joe 1000-Piece Puzzle     .................................. $20.00
Gremlins 1000-Piece Puzzle .................................. $20.00
Jurassic Park 1000-Piece Puzzle .................................. $20.00
Home Alone 1000-Piece Puzzle  .................................. $20.00
Puzzles are thing again....

Monte Cook Games
Invisible Sun RPG: The Threshold ............................... $45.00

Osprey Publishing
A Billion Suns:  Interstellar Fleet Battles ..................... $20.00
Frostgrave 2nd Edition ................................................. $35.00
Gamma Wolves ............................................................ $30.00
Oathmark - Battles of the Lost Age ............................. $35.00

Paizo Publishing
Pathfiner RPG: AP Extinction Curse 6 - Apocalypse Prophet ..... $24.99
Pathfiner RPG:  Flip Maps - Cathedral ........................................ $14.99
Pathfiner RPG: Lost Omens - City of Lost Omens Poster Map ... $24.99
Starfinder RPG AP The Threefold Conspriacy 5 - Cradle Infestation .. $22.99
Starfinder RPG Flip Tiles - Space Station Starter Set ........................... $34.99
Starfinder RPG Pawns Near Space Collection ................. $19.99

Pathfinder and Starfinder Dice Sets ................................. $13.00 each

Steve Jackson Games
Deadly Doodles 2 Expansion ........................................... $24.95
Munchkin: Munchkin Tails .............................................. $24.95

Cup of Noodles Yahtzee .................................................. PI

Pathfinder Battles - City of Lost Omens Boosters
Pathfinder Battles - City of Lost Omens Premium Figures .... $59.99
Adult Red and Black Dragon
Pathfinder Battles - Thieves Guild Premium Set ..................... $59.99
WWE  Heroclix - Wave 2  ....................................... $7.99 each
At least I know I can get a Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat Heroclix, if I want one.

Z-Man Games 
Pandemic Hot Zone North America (Stand Alone ) .............. $19.99

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