
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #70 - Just Like Hommlet

16 of Hexdec, 1147 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
When I finally visited Hommlet, I remember remarking how every village seemed to pattern themselves after one model.  Eding is as close to Hommlet as any village has been to another.  The floorplan of the Blue Wizard is identical to the Welcome Wench.

Even the items that don't match up are close.  Eding has no small keep (Lord Athelstane stays in a manor just past the first fields), but the spot for said keep was replaced with the parade grounds for militia training.  The temple of Akana is missing, although its spot is still half-cleared.  The church plans on building a temple there "someday."

It was less than two years ago that Eding lost the "Free Village" title it proudly promoted like the Free Town of Omsjik.   King Celowin decided his next land grant to be given to one of his knights would be Eding.  Few know the background of Lord Athelstane.  White Knight of Crosedes.  Single, definitely with an odd accent in the Crosedean dialect and Trade-Prythax.

I'm getting mixed signals as to what the village thinks of the man, but for many, they're strangely indifferent to the weird and unusual.  When I broached the subject of the identical village planning with other thorps, I made a joking question, asking if there was a nearby abandoned moathouse with evil elemental cultists manning in, and was met with odd (sometimes horrified) looks.


28th of Hexdec, 1147 - Village of Eding
It's not often that I write of platonic relationships, but I believe I discovered my first friend in Eding.  Caton Beauvau is a womanizing farmer who may or may not have served as a caravan guard into southern Crosedes and part of the Senzar colonies.

It appears that parts of his stories must be true, but he holds his liquor, stays out of fights, and might have arranged to have me purchase a small house near the proposed Temple of Akana land.
Caton Beauvau
I guess I'm finally settling down.  With my funds, I can live quite comfortably into my old age.   I can travel to most parts of the kingdom with a week's leisurely ride, and so long as I don't get into any noble intrigue during my parade drills, my voluntary enlistment in the Eding militia means I have plenty of new story fodder to listen to at the Blue Wizard.  And best of all, I'm far enough into the sticks that I only need to be called up by my first name... Elsderth.  No Millbottom, No Lord Greyhawk.  Just Elsderth of Eding if things are getting dicey.

Next:  #71 - The New Hometown

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