
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Historicon 2020 CANCELLED

Late Monday, HMGS sent out the word that due to the complications of COVID-19, Historicon would be cancelled.  All monies submitted by vendors will be refunded.  Room bookings with the on-site hotel will be released.

After barely getting Cold Wars in under the radar of the ban on large gatherings, even the most positive people with the most positive circumstances were giving the convention a coin flip's chance of occurring. 

They were nearing built in and self-imposed contractual deadlines with the facilities, and despite Lancaster County's high number of infections, "the curve" was being lowered and working towards a decline in daily numbers.  Despite the high numbers overall (comparable with my county of Luzerne), the fact that other counties had been moved into "Yellow phase"  (non-essential businesses could reopen with precaution, curbside food-service and masking remain, bars/barbers/hair and nail salons remain closed) showed some progress. 

Complete conjecture (and political at that):  With a week or two to go before making a final decision, the statistical feats necessary to allow Lancaster County to host mass gathering of hundreds, much less thousands, of people, was near impossible.   And to make matters worse, many of the nearby counties that in the same category Lancaster "went rogue," claiming that they will not enforce or pursue penalty over non-essential businesses opening. 

Most HMGS Board Members/Convention Staff/Volunteers are from out-of-state, and to see surrounding counties defy the Governor's orders most certainly affected their decision to cancel with some time left.  The late-entry of Lancaster County joining them most certainly put the final nail in the coffin.

We'll see how things go by the time we reach Fall-In! in October.  COVID might be making a comeback in the fall, and Valley Forge is in Montgomery County, one of the hot spots surrounding Philadelphia. 

After reviewing the State of Maryland's data, I wholeheartedly can't wait for Cold Wars in Ocean City next year. 

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