
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #76 - Look the Other Way

10 HepDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
(or three years later, for those keeping track at home....)

Another day, another couple silver made selling with carved coins commemorating Eding.  My craftsmanship is much better than last year's attempt.  I just can't imagine peopel dedicating this much time for such a intricate trade, only to be paid a measley sum in return. Thank Akana for the nest egg I kept.

10 HepDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Thank Akana that I keep rank of sergeant in the milita despite all Captain Lacaray's attempts to promote me.  I do not wish any additional authority on men, other than to lead them on patrols, and that is sometimes too much for me.  Barrack Tenslow looks poised to finally take some authority and I'll push for him to be promoted to another sergeant.

10 HepDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
I ran into my friend Caton,  still single and mingling, but he's been missing the past few days.

"I'll let you in on a secret," he told me.  "When things go bad and the militia's called, take your men upriver to search.  Just... trust me."

19 HepDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
I expected the worst,  but not the report of the missing children.

Hob Gadling has taken on the worst traits of his mother and father.  With that, he was reported missing.

Four-year old children don't end up missing, they end up dead.

Hob's father Bernard, is the sergeant-in-arms for Lord Athelstane, so we need to at least go through the motions.

Women search the village, I volunteered Barrack Tenslow and myself to lead a squad to search upriver, and another sergeant was sent downriver.

For a militia mission, it has been one of the more relaxing missions.  We wandered around the manors, skipped a few stones, and when the runners I sent back returned with young Hob still undiscovered, we set up camp not far from traveled further into the halfling village of Lowdale.

20th of HepDec 1050 - Halfling Village of Elmshire
Still no sign of Hob, and I have full doubts most teenagers could make the walk to the third halfling village, much less a youngster.

The only discovery I found was a fabulous desk made by the furniture maker Merovec Puddinfoot of Elmshire.  He'll deliver it next week to avoid any other improprieties.
My shopping was interrupted by a gruff old half-orc name Ozark.  He was the emissary of some other foolish position for the mayor/sheriff of the village, the single named Tanqueman.  I was intrigued by this one named halfling, shouldn't they all have odd surnames like Berryfart, Tacotuesday, or Baconbelly, but alas, the half-orc told us to patrol the lands of Lord Athelstane.  If any random human their size came wandering into the village unawares, they would ship them right back to Eding.   We pitched camp down the road and tomorrow we will force march our way back to Eding.

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