
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 4, 2020

It's Game Day, You Scruffy Nerf-Herders

We've made some progress with our online games, after weeks, nay months of abortive attempts and usually two-person chats with Steve, I've been making some outreach to other players, and with that, two out of the three missing players showed up last week, as well as our newest member, the "Gnome-King" himself, Jim.

We got a great Risus game under our belts to knock off the rust, and give Jim a test drive before offering him a return visit.  His portrayal as Randy in Bigg Melons in the Time of COVID sold the group, or perhaps the idea of other people wanting to join our traveling circus bewildered them enough to say yes.

With our regular GM, Jeff, just wishing to play and chill for now, I've automatically assumed GM duties (it comes with the territory after 31 years of GMing).  I gave the fellows five options

  1. More Canadian Cthulhu
  2. D&D Adventures in Gulluvia
  3. The Spice Girls RPG
  4. Star Wars d6
  5. Illuminati University 
I was a bit surprised to get all responses back in less than 24 hours.  Star Wars swept the first choice voting.  Still slightly unnerved that the Spice Girls took a sold second. 

So tonight is some more warm-up improv role-playing, followed by a yet-to-be named Star Wars session 0 (and maybe a little bit more.)

And I still have a Christmas in July game with the Spice Girls to plan.  That part is guaranteed.


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