
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #78 - The Castle of the Moors

24th of HexDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
In all my time here, I found my cottage to be centrally located but away from the bustle of the village.

After tonight's pre-dawn raid on the village by lizardmen, I'm even more grateful.  Despite the early hour and plenty of deception, the attack never got close to my home.  Most of the town was safe, and that allowed us to gather our forces and repel the creatures.

36th of HexDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
It's not every day that a plot to burn your village to the ground is uncovered, and I'm not quite sure how to take it.  I'm also not sure how to properly embrace the concept of a pretentious magic-user, a half-orc caravan guard, and a teenage cutpurse are now the heroes of Eding!

I wrote much about the wizard Cesmir, and the half-orc Zoog, from their quick escapade, rescuing four-year-old Hob Gadling from the dreaded Nightwood, but I may have underestimated the young Iris.

I haven't been able to uncover much about her, just the stereotypical talking points.  Sixteen years old, raised in Omsjik, father abandoned the family when she was young and she's been forced to take matters into her own hands for, I figure, at least six years.  Somehow, she's managed to maintain as cheerful a disposition as her countenance, but don't let that fool you.  While she's not some cold-blooded killer, she's far more ingenious and intuitive than she lets on.
After their glorious rescue and encounter with the Witch, the trio tried to plan out their next adventure.   They had already done a good job canvassing the locals for tricks, tips, and legends of the area before the lizardmen attacks, so this reinforced their focus.

They had already uncovered the ruins of ancient villages, temple ruins, and even some fortifications. 

Three days after leaving the village they returned, battered all to hell, but victorious... with proof of the plots against Eding!

They did encounter some lizardmen, not the giant terrifying lizardmen behemoths that attacked the town.  Following the trail of the smaller lizard "folk" they uncovered a castle, partially sunk in the swamp. A stone structure with four towers.

They encountered more lizardmen living in this castle, but the leaders of this effort could easily be called dragon men! They varied between six and seven foot tall.  Some were armored, some were more civilian in nature, but all of them had large wings out their backs.

The trio brought back proof of these creatures' armor and treasure, they may have also breached a few doors holding back massive amounts of water.  This forced them to flee the castle, as it sank further into the swamp.

8th of SepDec 1050 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
It happened by sheer coincidence but noted scholar Richomer Spade arrived in Eding from Omsjik, to secretly visit the blacksmith's younger sister Berthlenda.  One would even call it fate  that a pile of Dragonman artifacts were there for him to review.

Within minutes, the plot to make repeated attacks on the village had been translated, and again, the trio were lauded as heroes... and a few more patrols were required to venture near the swamp.

DM Notes:  #spoilers Nightwood and the Keep get resused often in games.  Nightwood and the Castle were the first two adventures I wrote entirely on the new word processor (with full sized amber screen!)

Other parts took place during this mini-campaign, but as a largely forgotten game, I'm happy enough I remember what I do. 

The castle was right out of DMGR2 - The Castle Guide.

Of course, I set up this adventure with Grenadier minis as an excuse to break out the Dragonmen minis I owned.  It was a sweet success in my book.
Now available in the US through Badger Games

Next:  #79 - The Witch's Bidding

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