
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 30, 2020

#RPGaDay is Back for 2020!

COVID-19 has halted most of the positive large-scale RPG experiences for the year. 

Barring anything especially heinous, it will not stop RPGaDay2020!

RPGaDay is an annual event in August where the organizers prepare thirty one daily questions for gamers around the world to answer and share amongst the community.  Some blog, some vlog, some just answer via their social media of choice.  It's a rollicking good time, I usually discover a new blog or three to follow,

For the seventh year I'm hoping for something a bit more structured than last year's one-word topics, like "scary", "obscure", or "door."  While there were some great posts on the topic, a good number of responses reverted back to year one very vanilla answers akin to a lot of the "What is your favorite *insert genre here* RPG.  I felt like last year was a down year for the project, both in topics and participation (there definitely was a drop in views versus year over year).   No matter how the set-up is for topics, I'm prepping my blog with 33 new drafts for placeholders (1 to post the list of topics, 31 individual days, and a review of the even on September 1st.) 

Here's hoping to continued expansion of online RPGing gives the topics and participation the boost the even most certainly deserves.

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