
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 29, 2020

You Should Be Painting!

Yeah, yeah, the world is slowly opening up now, the sun is shining, the world is warmer.

But darnnit, you, me, the whole world should still be painting.

The painting bench beckons, but between the Spring projects moving to Summer projects, an uptick of work, and the last push of the kid's schoolwork.

And let's not mention that we successfully opened the pool,  Priorities are shifting.

When I've gotten time, it's been focused on the RPG part of the blog.  Lost Dispatches is almost complete.  The campaign stories I wanted to write about are finished, so I'm down to the tying up some loose story ends that using Elsderth as the medium has created. 

Once that is completed, I'll need to turn to the actual play for our online Star Wars game.  I'm recording the game sessions on Roll20 and are slowing listening to and writing up the sessions. 

The biggest decision I need to make is when these Star Wars write-ups go live.  Thanks to the Lost Dispatches going monstrous, and other D&D actual plays scheduled to follow up after that, the earliest time I might start publishing them on Tuesdays might be Star Wars Day... next year.  I'm pondering starting posting these on Thursdays, but I'm trying to figure out when to start.  Any input is appreciated.

The project journal has been dusted off!
I stopped using this when I got promoted in early 2019.  The big book was stowed away and I relied on a monthly sheet using a series of boxes for what I considered projects that were necessary and do-able. It felt like there was a little more progress, but with cleaning out the old office stuff for the home office, the journal is on the adjacent shelf and I'll try a four-week trial and adjust for the future.

This four week trial will focus on: 
  • Finishing Lost Dispatches, including the character index. 
  • Writing up the Star Wars d6 Actual Plays.
  • More Mousling Savage Showdown
  • Planet 28 testing for a review - Units are written up with some of the optional rules.

  • Gnome Wars:  Swiss Rabbits and the magical delight of Canadian Bermuda.
  • Painting:  All the Dangerous Dames got based, but the focus turns to Halflings and Hounds.
  • FATHER'S DAY 2020 

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