
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, July 16, 2020

500K is So Much More Satisfying than 40K.

Between work, home, work-from-home, and the general chaos I missed a milestone for the blog: Its half-million (500,000th) page view!

Let us rejoice and sing!

I'd like to thank some Italian and Ukrainian bots who helped pad the numbers over the years (I will still curse the bots that attack a specific post, wildly skewing the numbers, especially when some of the posts had some popularity from real live humans!)

I know there are newer blogs that have already surpassed my numbers, and quite a few blogs the same that have obliterated my numbers years ago, but I can pass two pieces of wisdom. 

  1. Catering to the readers will only aggravate you, unless you share the same passion.
  2. If this is going to be your core hobby blog, try to write everyday.  If you have a new blog, or one you've essentially mothballed, you might want to try the #RPGaDay2020 challenge.
    Sometimes the blog about the hobby becomes a hobby itself.

Thanks for the all the support folks. I promise things might get better.

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