
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I'm Way Too Busy to Game During This Pandemic

Alright true believers of the blog, we are into yet another month of staying at home, masking, and working from home.  I'm also starting to understand why these yahoos are the way they were.

We're still going outside, going to functions, like a car show that was replacing a much larger car racing venue (see gnome below!).

We've delved into swimming, and sleepovers for the kids, and a load of Hamilton on Disney+.

We've also took up fostering kittens behind my back. 

I don't hate animals, but with two cats, two dogs, two kids, and a wife, I've got enough of God's creatures in the house.  But lo' and behold, while I'm finishing up some yard projects, my wife pulls into the driveway with a box full of kittens... and while I continue to clean up my project, one kitten escapes from the box and heads overs the hill and far away.  No one could catch them, and despite searching for three days, no one has managed to locate the little fella.

But now we have three kittens living in a large dog crate.  
This is not the crate
All the while, my painting bench has been overwhelmed with Space Dwarfs.  The Macrocosm and Sandstorm Miniatures projects have successfully arrive (the former early,  and the latter after a year-plus delay).  Add two more Space Dwarf Kickstarters launching this month, plus the Wars of Ozz, the budget is tight.

The Star Wars d6 campaign is going strong.  We finally skipped a Monday session with a post-July 4th recovery, and this past week we ran a Christmas in July theme game using Risus and mixing up the Spice Girls, Sex and the City, Mannequin, Big Trouble in Little China, and Santa Claus with a Desert Eagle.  Good times. Write up for that game (and the last two Star Wars sessions) forthcoming.

And to complicate matters more, our 20-year old cat Mama passed away sometime over the weekend, and we found her, resting in one of her hiding spots.  Based on the vets analysis she was already ten years old we she arrived at our old house expecting kittens in just a few days.  We took care of that fiasco (not our first time handling wayward cat mothers), and sometime later, she entered our home and has been a fixture since.

Our bedroom has been cat hospice for the last six months, as she could no longer hop up on the dog safe set-up for food and water, and I'm delighted there will be no more kitty litter on the second floor, but she was a good cat that rarely bothered anyone, and spent her last week actually going downstairs to interact with kittens and sun herself in the bay window.
RIP - Mama (2000-2020)
It's already a messed up week and my major project for work has been postponed seven months AND the scheduled vacation my wife was going to take with the kids mid-week?  Cancelled. Piles of work, piles of family, and a weekend of small, socially distant basketball clinics, followed by a neighborhood reggae party.

I'd like nothing more than to hide in the basement and paint.....

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