
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Well, That Was a Most Unusual Week

It's taken way too long these past 24 hours to actually put words on this post, so here's the short version.  

Last Tuesday, I stretched to get out of bed and immediately thought I tore my lower abdominal muscles away from whatever they're attached to at the hips.  By the end of the day, the pain subsided with a focused pain on the lower right quadrant.

Last Wednesday, I hit the nearby urgent care to rule out muscular/other issues, assuming this strange pain was a weird transformation of appendicitis.  Everything was ruled out except appendicitis, and I waited for my wife to take me to the ER.

The ER shot back with concerning data, why was a historical pre-diabetic (untreated) fat guy exhibiting abdominal pain show up with a blood sugar of 600 and rising?  

Answer:  Diabetes didn't want to slowly conquer this fat dude, it sent in its crazy friend the gall bladder to shoot a gall stone into the duct work of the pancreas and turn my right side of the body into a super-inflamed mush.
A dramatic recreation of the gall stone getting fired into my pancreas
One week later, one gall bladder less, I'm back at home, answering emails for work in the home office.  

There's a bunch of needles, supplies, and insulin that wasn't there before, but that's okay.  People call these things wake-up calls, but I saw enough of those with my fellow patients.  I was certainly flying closer and closer to the sun which each passing year, but the gall stone shoved me into it, and I know I must deal with all the repercussions, no whining, no complaints, no bargaining.

I anticipate fewer posts for a while, but I plan on hiding out in the basement more starting this weekend, so let's see what's happening!
Don't know if and when I'd use this one, so here your go....