
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #87 - Bull in a Magic Shop

8th of QuaDec, 1061 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes (continued)
... Krull & Company quickly embraced living in the capital city of Hydincall.  It is the closest thing to cosmopolitan this side of Feraso City, and with just about any service, item, or delight to separate coin from its owner, they were in heaven.

Krull had discovered the gladiator, and Markuus and him partook in the NonDec tournament to close out the year.  The others spent their time as paying spectators, but Theron, he wandered the city a bit more.

Theron had inquired about attending the Magic Lyceum, but the story goes, he was laughed off the campus.  Upset from that encounter, he wandered the nearby shops that catered to the magically inclined.  He grabbed some spell components, giggled at the cost of a "slightly used" magic wand, and finally entered a curio shop.  It was a tight fit, overfilled with cluttered shelves and one sign written in at least eight languages.

*Do not handle the merchandise until negotiating with a salesperson*

He wasn't the only customer in there, so he bid his time as the staff took care of the others.

But the longer he waited the stronger to urge was to look an a large bull statue carved out of ivory.  In fact, the urge almost became a voice egging him to handle the bull.

Eventually, his willpower was not enough and he picked the item up.  Instantly, the item disappeared, and in its place was a full sized black bull, complete with a ring in its nose.  It went berserk in the shop, destroying nearly everything.

By the time the town guard made an appearance, the entire shop was ruined with Theron and the shopkeep the only people in the building, and the bull gone without a trace.

The arrest of Theron and subsequent trial was a farce made worse by the fact that it was conducted before the end of the gladiatorial festivities.  His son, Krull, and the their other adventuring friends had no clue as to what was going one!

Theron was found guilty and forced into indentured servitude for the shopkeeper, Laikkic Loc.  The terms of his servitude were based on hours worked and sales over a period of time, so, the financial windfall of his son winning the NonDec Tournament could do nothing to alter or shorten the sentence.  Theron was magically bound to no further than the outer walls of the city, and if he wasn't holding up his end of his obligation, the binding could be used to magically track him.
DM Notes: Here ends the adventuring career of Theron, the only magic-user, and possibly the only (and barely heard) voice of reason in the party.  He'll remain in Hydincall for the remainder of the campaign.  I believe Larry, the player was the first Army Reservist to bow out, and by September, the unit was getting deactivated and we were transferred all over the state. 

It would never make back to Elsderth, but he took full advantage of the servitude in Laikkic's shop.  If you're stuck in the store, there's lots of arcane lore and book learning to be had, and he proved to be quite the salesman.  On top of that, allowing him full reign over the city meant a number of agreeable business negotiations not only helped him get out of his sentence in the minimum amount of time, but put him in a personal financial situation to help transfer the business into his name as Laikkic grew ill. 

Almost a decade later, there was a subtle reference to Theron's Curios in the Ballad of the Pigeon God.  There were some tense negotiations with one PC, and some apparent explosions in the shop's vicinity by another PC.  I'm quite certain Theron had the funds to rebuild again and use the ol' Bull in a China Shop routine to snag free labor multiple times until his death in 1195.

Next: #88 - Goblin Patrols and Human Partings

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