
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 27, 2020

#RPGaDay2020: Day 27 - Garnering Favour in a Post-COVID World

Day 27 of #RPGaDay2020 is upon us, and again, we have a very non-American prompt, "Favour."

I'll skip the easy, "Favorite RPG" questions and move to something far more positive.

"What do I favour to run when we return to face-to-face gaming?"

Here in the States, we're close to dealing with COVID-19 for a whopping six months.   It's not good, but at some point, we'll be back to some semblance of what normal used to be.  So the question is, with six months (PLUS+!) of no face-to-face gaming, what do I want to make my triumphant return behind the physical screen?
It's an odd-angled shelfie!
#7 - Hackmaster - A complete pie-in-the-sky idea, continuing the dream of reuniting the old gang back together.  #RPGaDay always stokes that flame every year.

#6 - Talislanta - The new Savage Lands edition will fit a very Robert E Howard-esque play style.

#5 - 5e Saltmarsh - My online Star Wars d6 has players hours upon hours away, so face-to-face is out of the question.  However, some of the more local players wouldn't mind a return D&D, and Saltmarsh can be plugged right back into my homebrewed campaign world.

#4 - 5e for Beginners - Before this crazy, mixed-up COVID world, another department manager at work was talking about his kids getting interested in D&D.  I don't know if the quarantine killed that motivation, but setting up something simple with a new bunch of players some appealing.

#3 - BECMI Gulluvia - My Star Wars game might not transition back into face-to-face well, but the story of some goofy adventurers in the Barony of Gulluvia is simple enough.  Best yet, the Theatre-of-the-Mind method will work best using "Basic" D&D.

#2 - Call of Cthulhu - Sleepless City - Returning to New York City for some (technically) one-shots is a great start, one we can possibly use to expand into the old campaign, even if we don't revisit old, beloved survivors, I mean, characters.

#1 Call of Cthulhu - Invictus - I have enough material to run a few games, but the Roman theme will keep the players off their usual path.

And for a bonus question to answer:
"What do I favour to run when we return to face-to-face convention gaming? "

I'll stick with what gets me players:  Kid's games of My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria, and perhaps the Toon game: Cthulhu Comes to Springfield.

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