
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

#RPGaDay2020: Day 26 - Strange Games

In the waning days of #RPGaDay2020, when Day 26 gives you "Strange," you apologize for linking up to a previous blog post. 

I love traditional Call of Cthulhu, as is,  but the percentile based system it's run off of is just too easy to concoct some strange and unusual games that benefit from slightly more crunch than say, Risus. 

If Star Wars d6 ever peters out, I'd like to return to my Canadian 90's College game for CoC, although I might be holding my breath for a long while before that happens.  But even with the jokes about the 90's, Canada, and that certain scenarios are ripped off from the Zed-Files, it's pretty straightforward sci-fi/conspiracy/horror genre stuff. 

Using "The Attack of the Atomic Bikini Reptile Women... in 3-D!"  from Worlds of Cthulhu Magazine for one-shot character generation is a whole 'nother story. 

For what constitutes "Strange" filler sessions for our group, I only refer to "Whiskey Tango Rattlesnake," an impromptu scenario ripped from two separate headlines. 

It's also funny that I picked up the identical vibe for Day 19 of  #RPGaDay2019 when prompted with "Scary" 

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