
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, September 14, 2020

A Blind Squirrel Can Still Find a Nut on eBay

Hi, I'm ViscountEric and I may have an unhealthy obsession with Kickstarter.

*Hi ViscountEric*

I mean, it's not a terrible problem.  Over the last 8 years I've pledged at least a dollar to 87 different campaigns (including Indiegogo).  Out of those 27 of those were a measly buck to support the cause (and get a front row seat to the disaster some of them were obviously going to be.).  So that means I support a legit cause with a reward every month and a half, give or take a few days.  Something getting fulfilled usually has the pomp and circumstance reserved for a Knight of the Round Table returning with the Holy Grail, but this last month, with three pledges, and four rewards arriving, I may have to admit I need to slow things down.

That didn't stop me from pulling the trigger on a rare bargain on eBay.

Eight UNE Commandos for Legions of Steel, nine Nightmares, and one Mk I Assault Fiend.  After shipping, still under two bucks a figure.  It would be a deal twenty years ago.
Definitely another box on the painting bench, but with my Nightmares from the Kickstarter in the same pile, I might do a nice year-end push for my painting production (My gaming year ends in September and I'll strip all of these figures.

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