
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #93 - The Trial of Redemption

27th of SepDec, 1061 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
There may be no honor among thieves, but there appears to be stupidity among certain adventurers.

Torm Touchberry and Markuus Brighthelm arrived in the village tonight, actively seeking their punishment for their dereliction of duty.

The villagers in the Blue Wizard nearly gave them instant, and very permanent, justice.

Athelstane could care about this for even a moment, but Lady Iris is back.  She will conduct the tribunal.

28th of SepDec, 1061 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Many lifetimes ago, I was Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll, so I have an understanding of the judicial process.  It's been many many years since I penned a letter to my friend, the Totenlinden himself, Alwin Warmark, but upon seeing Lady Iris conduct what amounts to a military tribunal was quite eye-opening.  It was quite impressive to see this young woman handle the demands for mob justice, provided a far fairer trial than the pointers deserved, all the while shooting down all the crazy excuses and reasoning of Markuus.  In what another judge might simply handwave a death sentence of execution, Iris showed mercy.

Mercy equals 50 lashes and indentured servitude to the entire village for an indeterminate time.

30th of SepDec, 1061 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The day of the flogging.  Iris had codified many of the guidelines for the punishment, but omitted one essential fact before leaving for Hydincall again:  Who exactly would mete out the punishment?

They looked at me and my world-weary face  to get the job done..... I just shook my head in disgust.   I would hate to see what would transpire if Iris had sentenced them to death.

The elves fastened and ready to be flogged, Barrack tip-toed through the obligations to conduct the punishment, with two new militia members, Isaak and Eichen.  Despite all three men pushing the job onto another, it was Jenny Bricot who took charge and completed the act, with one caveat, "I never want to do this again."

Both elves were smug in their attempt to shrug off the obvious pain.  Markuus remained loud and strong in his admittance of guilt, but it showed more as pride than to his tolerance.  For awhile Torm looked like he would break from the annoying rantings of Markuus next to him, but as the noise distracting me from watching both, near the end he was limp and accepting of his punishment and fate.

I hope we never need to do this again.

11th of OctDec, 1061 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The late plantings we made are looking like they will save the village over the winter, no thanks Markuus Brighthelm.  Seventeen days into their indeterminate sentence and Torm Touchberry has healed from his flogging and is acting in any capacity we order him to do.  Very little talking from him, and most of the survivors have acted fair to him.  Markuus, on the other hand, has been his regular, lazy, obnoxious self.  No one cares that his god, Ilmater, can bless us with healing, good fortune, and extra food.  We need the manual labor of the elves, plain and simple. That labor will reap more rewards that daily gifts from a heretical deity.  I guess it's only myself and a few of the new arrivals who are aware that Divine magic is a daily obligation in prayer, casting, and repeated action that we don't have time for.   And contrary to Torm's behavior, Markuus' has maintained a poor reception by the population.

17th of NonDec, 1061 - Village of Crosedes, Kingdom of Crosedes
We are completing that last few late plantings that finally could be harvested, no thanks to Markuus, monster of an elf in size, shape, and oratory has vanished.  His compatriot Torm was still in their shared shack this morning.  He claims no involvement, and expresses some relief that he's gone.  The militia has moved him to a dwelling on the other side of town, just in case.


2nd Day of Yule, 1061 - Village of Crosedes, Kingdom of Crosedes
I've returned safely from a pre-Yule celebration in Draloite.  My gift to Elswyth went over well, and in return, I received an enchanted Yule Log, that never burns down.  I might be able to keep appearances by the old cottage.

Despite the holiday, we continued my studies of the natural balance of the world.  Between this and druidical interpretation of Yule, I have felt far more forgiving to others, and to myself.

I stopped by the Blue Wizard to casually announce my return, answer a few dull questions and partake in some Yule stew.  Peering through the window slats of the shutters, I could spy poor Torm, cradling another load of wood to heat the outbuilding he called home.  I blame Elswyth's teachings, but I felt sorry for the lad.  I saddled up to the bar, dropped some gold from my pouch and heckled  Barrack (the bartender) until he let the elf in and instructed the staff that Torm was welcome into the bar to eat throughout the winter and my gold would cover his tab, since he had none.  Torm came into the Blue Wizard, astonished by his good fortune, as I escaped out the back door.


1st of OctoDec, 1063 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Lady Iris has awarded Torm Touchberry  his freedom, after two years of servitude

He's become quite the competent carpenter, spending most of the Summer expanding the outbuildings behind the trading post.  The current shopkeep, Heimo Raddatz, loves him a bit too much.  However, Raddatz is not originally from the lands of the Ancien and does not understand the generations upon generations of betrayal that we have suffered from his race.  He forgets that the elf, is still a criminal.
The outbuildings behind the Trading Post in Eding.
WAS a criminal, I mis-wrote.  Effective today he is a free elf, able to travel wherever he wishes.

12th of OctoDec, 1063 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The son of a bitch is staying here!

I'm grateful that at my age, militia muster is completely voluntary.  This week's muster was wet and cold, Which allowed me some time this week to hide in the shack.  I'm still not sure what enchantment or device controls in air inside, but its cool in the Summer, and as warm as it needs to be the rest of the year.

Upon returning into the village for some stew at the Blue Wizard, I ran i nto a curious sight.  I expect the militia to be fully drunk at that hour, as it's the activity they partake in after training until they stumble home to start the next week.  I did not expect Torm Touchberry to be in the center of the group.

With his release from servitude, and some guarantees of work from Raddatz, Torm is staying in town, and as he advised Lt. Tenslow that since he remaining a freeman in the Village of Eding, he would like to immediately honor his obligation as a member of the militia, regardless of what those duties would entail.

The thing that the newest residents of the village never knew, and that the old-timers had forgotten, was that Torm Touchberry was a hell of a fighter.  Certainly not the same caliber as Krull, but I would stab Krull in the back the first chance I got.  I gotta admit that Torm at least admitted his failure, accepted his punishment and has helped the village.  Perhaps I've been a bit to harsh on the elf.

Especially with the ass-kicking he performed on the other militia members when they sparred.  I'm happy he was just selfish and not sadistic, because the ease with which he evaded the others' blows and the grace he could slide behind them and motion the slitting of their throats with their practice weapons, he might have made a great assassin.

His position in the militia was secured when someone, perhaps Isaak, joked that years of servitude left him an angry elf and to try not to beat everyone so too bad during training, everyone was in the same the unit.  Everyone laughed, and they dragged him to the Blue Wizard to celebrate.  He's got them wrapped around his finger.

They've also started a routine where Torm easily pickpockets the travelers staying and hands it immediately back, warning them that there are others around who are not as honest as he.  The rest of the militia rolled in laughter, and the traveler is too embarrassed to push the matter that technically Torm stole from them.  My only fear is that this will a regular act in the Blue Wizard, I feel it getting old quickly.

Next: #94  Beourn the Paladin

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