
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, September 17, 2020

HMGS to Host Another Cyber Wars - November 12-15

In lieu of the previously cancelled Fall-In!, HMGS will be hosting another Cyber-Wars online, November 12-15.

While not filling up convention centers and tennis barns of previous conventions, the Cyber-Wars for Historicon was deemed a success by the organizers, particularly given the short notice (six weeks) to organize it.
From the message sent to membership:

We had four days of virtual gaming across a variety of platforms. We had twenty games, all of which had enough players to run through the games.

We had a virtual club room in which we were able to highlight nine different clubs.

We had a virtual painting competition with 26 entrants, who submitted 66 entries between 6 different categories. Our vendors provided excellent prize support for this competition.

We had a virtual Hobby Room in which we posted 7 videos. Greg Zuniga ran a live Twitch stream on Friday night, and James Wappel live streamed on Twitch for over 15 hours for us.

No Dice No Glory coordinated the HMGS Round Table for us. These live events ran from Thursday evening, all the way through Sunday evening. We had a total of 18 different presentations from podcasters, historians, game designers and presidents of major gaming companies. Over four hundred people watched the videos live. No Dice No Glory uploaded all the presentations within 30 minutes of the evening’s presentations ending on their YouTube channel. As of July 26, 628 people had watched videos from the event.

We had a virtual vendor hall with 105 vendors listed, 24 of which offered either a show discount, prize support for our painting competition, or both.

We created a CYBËR WÅRS Facebook page which gathered 243 likes, and a CYBËR WÅRS Lounge group for people to talk about CYBËR WÅRS which gathered 130 members.

We created a webpage on the HMGS website which had our virtual games, Round Table events, and vendors so those members who don’t use Facebook could access CYBËR WÅRS.

I am still amazed at how much we managed to get done together as a team in only six weeks. 

It appears the listing for the Historicon Cyber Wars is still up.  It should be replaced with the Fall-In! version as material and events are confirmed.  

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