
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 18, 2020

(Painting) General Folger Sandstrom, Commander, Gnomish Space Marines

Colonel Avgas is no longer the highest ranking gnome in the GSM.  Introducing General Folger "Shitstorm" Sandstorm, Ruling Commander of all units in the Gnomish Space Marines.

General Sandstrom was the merc commander available as part of dual Kickstarters from Sandstorm Miniatures that took forever to fufill.  I would like to promote the companies than ran an fulfilled their campaign during the delays to Sandstorm's, but these sculpts are solid to paint... and they were on top of the pile of KS boxes.  Like any good organization, we're painting up the leadership first.
General Folger "Shitstorm" Sandstrom is the merc commander from the Forgotten Heroes Kickstarter
Another Gnomish Space Marines finished?  It must be a week for true miracles, because I also finished a preacher from the Brigade Games Post-Apoc line.
BG-APC 162 Preacher w/ Shotgun
You did see him as a size comparison for the my elephant last week, but I needed some more time to attempt to finish him up due to a strange disaster.

Last time at Michael's, I splurged for a slightly better quality 20/0 brush, and that added expense (less a coupon) showed remarkable improvement and brush life compared to the usual ones.  I marked it as my "eye" brush, but it in a place of honor and went about my life.  This week, when looking for the eye brush, it was missing.  I searched the area, grilled to the kids, and was quite bummed by the predicament.

I found the brush, two days later, in the middle of the living room floor.  Again I yelled at the kids, but it was unfounded. Upon further inspection of the brush, the bristles were ruined, but more importantly, the handled had been gnawed on by tiny sharp teeth.

One, or all four of the rescue kittens we're fostering, stole the brush and used it as toy.  They've also dove into my crate of green army men, and I've found numerous casualties and small planes throughout the house.   Time to break out the the pencil case to protect the few good brushes I own.

And I still haven't ordered/gone to Michael's to replenish my supplies.  Like the toilet paper aisle at a grocery store in 2020, the standard arts and crafts seemed ransacked any time or day of the week.

Project 350: 524 (348/176) up from 515 (350/165).  I'm almost caught up with my Star Wars d6  Actual Play episodes, there's a LOT of various content set up for my busiest time of year at work (October). Plus there was some quality gnome-related holiday material for days in the far, far future.  I don't know what's worse, the hundred or so posts covering years of holidays, or the fact that the earliest 76 articles scheduled to post cover material through 6/8/2021.

Next:  The Nauvoo Legion for Gnome Wars is down to the slow, finer details, and EVEN MORE Gnomish Space Marines are in queue (definitely starting my 2020-21 gaming year goals early.)

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