
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 11, 2020

(Painting) Egypt and Elephants

Stuff is ever so slowly getting moved off the painting bench.... completed no less!

I'm not sure where this elephant came from, but he appeared to be resin, with a separate metal truck and metal tusks.

 I have realized the toy elephant I picked up from Michael's many moons ago is much too big for a regular 25mm game, but could be a very large bull elephant in a Gnome Wars game.  The "little guy" I painted would still terrify any group in the savanna.
Gnome Wars, Plastic Zulu, and Random Brigade Games fig for size comparison
Almost off the bench is another piece of Egyptian terrain from Windsword Accessories.
The Windsword website seems quite bereft of anything not counter- or base-related.

On the family side of things, while basketball still looks like a no-go for the winter, my wife signed the girls up for co-ed flag football.

Funny thing: Neither girl knows the rules for football.  Heck, they don't like it!

Results:  Maja scored a 50-yard TD reception, which was her team's only score until the waning seconds of the game.

Mille?  When being taught blocking, the coach gave proper instruction, and in enthusiasm, told Millie to hit him.

So she wound up and punch him square in the chest.  Good girl.

Project 350:  515 (350/165) up from 510 (348/162) last week.  So much to write up, so little time to write up the Star Wars d6 Actual Plays, and I haven't even gotten to the slightly solicited backstory between the Twi'lek and another PCs sister.  I'll give xp if it's clean...

Next: The Gnomish Space Marines get a leader, even if he isn't a good one, plus anything else I can finish.

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