
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Next Year's Projects for 2020-21

Will there ever be another con game?  Heck, we've still got a cruise in May that we don't know the status of!

Face to Face?  My group is jonesing for a game.

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The Gnomish Space Marines:  This has been a running gag since the parody song in Dragon Magazine and we started statting up TWERPS characters in the early 90s, but thanks to the delivery of all the "Sci-Fi Dwarf" Kickstarter, I think I should make a Squat-By-Any-Other-Name army a reality.  I'm not statting up a 9th Edition IG army for 40k.  Looking into some vehicles and the Mantic and Wargames Atlantic Plastics.

Star Wars d6: With the exception of an extra player or two, running Star Wars was the perfect tonic for the doom and gloom of COVID.  I got to get the creative juices of campaign building flowing, I'm constantly collaborating with the group to add more depth to the story, and my proudest moment, they've taken on the roles of not only NPCs to keep everyone active, but entire side-stories with Bo'Non'as and Oopsa.  With a few breaks here and there, I'd like to see this going on through at least June.

Retro Twilight: 2000: I broke down and pledged for Free League's (Tales from the Loop) Kickstarter for Twilight:2000.  They're looking at a June 2021 release, and they're pretty good at delivering, so I'm thinking of going completely retro by that point and play from T:2000 face-to-face.  Heck, I might just invest in some cheap microarmor.

We still don't know the status of 2021 cons (heck we don't know the status of Halloween or the kids going to school/staying virtual.  Why predict anything?)  Cold Wars 2021 will be in Ocean City, MD and will be another attempt to promote Wargaming in Education.  After reading, Watching Over Yellowstone, it's a good time to dust off the old rules, update the turn-based mechanics (and add more cool trivia) and spruce it up for the 2020s.  Call me crazy, but after running the Gnome Wars-themed version, I may break down and purchase "proper" US Cav, civilians, and even animals for a "serious" game.

The Lack of Basketball: The community league I'm on the board of has cancelled any season for at least the 2020 portion, probably the entire winter season.  Fall ball is curtailed for the girls so much Maja has returned to dancing and both Maja and Millie are participating in flag football through the beginning of November.

What does this mean?  I need to set aside weeknight and weekend time to play and paint with the girls.  A great excuse to get us all off of devices/Fornite/etc... Too many figures to paint and family games to play that aren't seeing use.

Edit: And just before I was to give the final approval to publish this post, both Maja and Millie were invited to play for two different programs.  No overlap, for better or for worse.  Still, my goal stands firm.

Actual Play Archive: In scant weeks, the Lost Dispatches of Feraso will wrap up with Episode #100.  Immediately following that, Adventures in Gulluvia will fill in the normal Tuesday slot,  and my much ballyhooed Star Wars d6 game will premiere on the best Tuesday of 2021, May the Fourth.

I'm regularly two episodes behind on writing up Star Wars, but I still have more  FRPG Actual Play write-ups to complete. I ran a Hackmaster campaign back in 2007-2008 and it's set in the near future of the Trogs Redux campaign concept, so I'll attach those sessions to that campaign.  I have no idea if they'll see the light of day within these next twelve months, but I'm shooting to finish them.

The Lead Pile:  The Gnomish Space Marine project is going to move the lead pile along, but I do have some plastic boxed sets that the girls are old enough to learn the horrors of crazy glue/Zap-A-Gap/plastic cement.

Georic Gazetteer Update: I say at least once a year that Blogger format (at least prior to the latest update) was what I was missing as a kid,  a repository, an archive, a wiki of my hobby.  Even though my FRPG campaign experience is now well-documented, I might as well start my old info, clean it up country by country, and make that a regular weekly addition on a non-Tuesday.  I can list them on a page, just like the actual play episode, and add the data on my Google Drive for posterity.  

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